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Reporting Wildlife Sightings and Trappings in Ohio


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
I stopped by the ODNR site recently and was looking over the list of critters the state was asking for sighting reports.


The list included the following:
  • Wild Turkey
  • Badger
  • Bald Eagle Nest
  • Barn Owl
  • Black Bear
  • Black-crowned Night Heron
  • Bobcat
  • Feral Swine
  • Fisher
  • Gray Fox
  • Peregrine Falcon
  • Porcupine
  • River Otter
  • Ruffed Grouse
  • Sandhill Crane
  • Snowshoe Hare
  • Trumpeter Swan
  • Weasel
Its a shame to see the Turkey on there. They came on so strong. 25 years ago I would easily see 20-30+ at a time. Now I only see 1-5. (N.E. Ashtabula County)
Eagles and Black Bear have been around for some years now. I see bobcats every few years. Only pigs have been some kids 4H projects gotten loose. Otters, none yet but they are in neighboring areas 10-15 miles east of me. Grouse; almost never now. Snowshoe's have been being re-introduced in south county by the state but I've never seen one (in Ohio).

Is the decline in Turkey a re-set ? Nature balancing out the order of things after an abundance of population with increased predators? It can't all be due to loss of habitat in such a short time. Did the state knock down the population as they have with the White Tail?

What are your thoughts?
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Senior Member
Supporting Member
We don't have too many up my way, but I too am surprised to see it on the list. Seem to see plenty in other areas of the state.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I used to see turkey all the time here at my house, very rarely see them anymore. Some other animals on that list I feel like I have a better chance of finding Bigfoot!
Very similar observation on turkey population in NW Ashtabula. Used to have multiple flocks, I haven't seen a single turkey while hunting (deer) the past three seasons. Ashtabula county was the top turkey harvest county for many years, that coupled with predators and or habitat - who knows. I was riding my bicycle the other evening and 3-4 poults busted out of the grass next to the road, which was good to see (startled the heck out of me).


Active Member
The Hills
Very little cover for turkeys up there. Take a walk around the small bit of woods and try and find a good nesting spot for a hen where a clutch of eggs wouldn't be scavenged by a coon/possum within the week. Even in southern Ohio where there is plenty of turkeys and plenty of decent cover for nesting I come across loads of scavenged nests. I'd say it's a result of lack of suitable habitat and decline of trapping/hunting of the animals that prey on the species.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Surprised there aren't more comments as to the list...
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Supporting Member
Ross County
I saw @Wildlife for a brief moment in Logan county


64 days and there will be a rare appearance happening my friend...
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