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Rage Killing Power on My 5 pt. Buck

After a lengthy stare down, watching him freshen his scrape and eating an apple or two, this odd racked 5 point buck offered an extreme going away angle shot. I watched as the Rage 2" cutting diameter penetrated, but not very deep and didn't pass through. The shot was from 14 yards with a 60# Martin Cheetah.

At the shot, he ran hard with his tail down...for 50 yards. He stopped, wavered, ran in a short circle and crashed...in sight.

He's dead and very quickly too. Just the same, I'm not happy with myself for the shot placement. However, dead is dead and I'll take it.

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Buck 9.jpg

bowhunter1023 said:
Now the question is will you continue to shoot Rages?

I'm not a proponent of making shit shots and compensating for it with a larger cutting diameter. However, I've definitely been shown that it CAN make a difference on a marginal or piss poor shot.
Just last week, I watched a video of a guy shooting a buck, while using a Rage broadhead. As the shot was released, the buck took a step (30 yard shot) and the arrow literally stuck him in the ass. As the video ran, you could hear the shooter saying where the shot hit, how sick he was over it and going on about the bad shot. Meanwhile, the videographer was still shooting footage and says, "He's down!" Apparently, he'd hit the femoral artery.



Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I don't think that's a shit shot...I think any other head would have been better penetration and also resulted in a dead deer. Congrats either way and nice shot.


Senior Member
I will say this, being a rage shooter. If people shoot 60lbs I think they should shoot the 1.5 rages, seem to get better results


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Congrats!! I wonder what broke his main beam. Was he a scrapper?

As for the shot. I don't think that's a shity shot at all. Just shitty BH penetration. It's not a shot I would even hesitate taking. I've hit a deer at a similar angle and the slick trick exited in front of the offside shoulder. The arrow didn't pass through all the way but 6 inches of arrow was sticking out the front of the deer.
hickslawns said:
I want you to see if you can get him any higher in the tree. lol
I know it looks silly, but I wanted to avoid any coyotes getting a free snack. This buck fell approximately 170 yards from my back door and I've seen coyotes in this woods.

I'll be going back out after coyotes with my new Savage .243 and new motion decoy.
