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Pete Rose


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Watched old Pete cry around on the news about his rejection from the Hall of Fame.
To me he got what he deserved. I doubt he will ever be entered into the Hall of fame alive or dead.
Your thoughts?


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
IMO, he should be put in! He is the hit king and his record is prolly safe. He's admitted guilt and paid his dues. There are far more that are in that might have done far worse in some pro sport I reckon.

MLB sure had no problem running him out during pregame festivities durng the Allstar game!


Senior Member
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Walbridge oh
Hell yeah he deserves to be in!!! Look at the wife beaters and drug users plus dog killers that are still playing sports with just a slap on the wrist.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Yea he may get in but he wont be around to see it.
Grew up watching him and he was great but i dont think he learned anything from getting caught.
If he would have led a different life after all this maybe, but hell..he opened a freakin restaurant / casino in Vegas.


Staff member
If you don't think he deserves it, then you need to do some homework. The HOF is full of players with shady pasts and soon, there will be members who IMO, helped ruin the numbers by using steroids. Pete screwed up. He owned up and he's paid his dues. What he did pales in comparison to the steroid issue. He deserves to in the HOF, plain and simple.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Oh i think he deserves the Hall of fame but should not be allowed to be involved in baseball.
I remember as a kid getting to go down to Cincy with my dad and see The Big Red Machine play ball and that was one hell of a group of guys.
Always had fun there on farmers night.
Pete was one hell of a player and deserves to be in the hall.


Staff member
But Jesse it sure did take him a looong time to own up,i think if he would of owned up right off the get go we wouldnt be having this discussion as he would already be in.
I don't disagree. However there are already members of the HOF who have never openly acknowledged their transgressions. If any of the steriod guys get in, very few of them have owned up despite it being obvious that they used.

If the HOF and it's members were pristine, I'd say he has no place. But that's simply not the case.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I'm a Pirate fan and love the rivalry with the Reds. I dislike most reds players until they retire. Then I reflect and appreciate what they did. I always respect their game though. Great example is Eric Davis. Man did I hate him when he played. But, dang was he good.
Current guy that drives me nuts? Joey Votto! But damn he's good too!

Anyway... Pete Rose was one of the best no matter what team he played for (reds, Phillies, expos). I think he should be let in.

In my opinion it should be a fan vote, players association vote, or media vote. No way it should be just the commissioner with the only say.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
No way should the sports fan be able to vote on it. I wonder what the feelings toward Rose is when you get out of the Ohio area?
I best not say anymore on the subject. But it was interesting talking to a local guy I know that was in the Military service with Rose in the early 1960's.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I don't disagree. However there are already members of the HOF who have never openly acknowledged their transgressions. If any of the steriod guys get in, very few of them have owned up despite it being obvious that they used.

If the HOF and it's members were pristine, I'd say he has no place. But that's simply not the case.
I dont think Bonds,Mcgwire or Clemens will ever be inducted either.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Pete Rose was and is an idiot. However, he was one of the greatest baseball players of all time. He deserves to be in the HOF.


Senior Member
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South East Ohio
Charlie Hustle, the greatest to ever play the game.

Mike saying, "Pete Rose was one of the best no matter what team he played for (reds, Phillies, expos). I think he should be let in..", is a quote that sums this thread up


Junior Member
East Ohio
I agree he was a better player than many in the hall of Fame but, besides pawning autographs in the Forum Shoppes at Caesar's Palace, he is still betting on baseball in the sports book in Caesars, when he takes a lunch break and playing table games.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
South East Ohio
I agree he was a better player than many in the hall of Fame but, besides pawning autographs in the Forum Shoppes at Caesar's Palace, he is still betting on baseball in the sports book in Caesars, when he takes a lunch break and playing table games.


Come on that's like saying that a guy that gets caught spanking his monkey by his wife is actually cheating on her. Geesh he can do what ever the hell he chooses now that he's not involved with the sport.


Senior Member
Athens County

This pic was takin near the end of a 36 hour binge in las vegas. Ha. Memory a bit foggy, but either i was feeling real bad for pete or i need to go to sleep. Ha
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