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*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
I cut and pasted this from ORPA's(Ohio Rifle and Pistol Assoc.) FB page. I had seen this earlier that BFA was discussing Pistol Cartridge Rifles with the ODNR.

"Buckeye Firearms Association (BFA) has asked for ORPA's support in an effort they are making to have the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) allow rifles in currently legal pistol cartridge calibers for deer hunting in Ohio. The state of Indiana adopted this change several years ago and BFA feels that it is time for Ohio to follow suit. The trustees will discuss this at our next meeting on Jan. 29. If you or your club is interested in supporting this change, please contact Dan Allen at BFA at: dallenp89@gmail.com."


There is a gun class that I know absolutely nothing about, but I would welcome the reason to buy a couple more guns.

The guys I know in Indiana where this is legal elected to use thier MZ's rather than their PCR's.

I assume there is a performance difference. What kind of ballistics can you get and from what caliber with a PCR?



*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
Balistically most PCRs are inferior to saboted slugs or modern muzzleloaders.

If they follow Indiana's law which restricts case length I don't think I'll be tempted much to switch.

If they keep the wording they use for the pistol cartridges now I might be tempted to get a .444 Marlin or 375 Win. barrel for the Encore. They come close to muzzleloader performance but not quite equal it.

It might be fun to get a deer or two with a lever action .44 mag, but I don't see me switching to one for most of my gun hunting.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
I would love to take a deer with my Marlin 44 carbine. Done it every other way in OH. Recurve, compound, shot guns, flint lock, inline and 44 Redhawk...
Both like the 300 gr. JHP

When do we start???


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
IF they use the current definition it has to be a straight wall cartridge firing a bullet at least .357 caliber

So the most common ones in rifles would be .357mag, .44mag and 45 LC. But a few others would be 500 S&W, 480 Ruger, 45 ACP (not a great choice) .444 Marlin, .375 Winchester, 45-70.

I saw the cutest little Ruger M77 in .357 in a gunshop the other day.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
IF they use the current definition it has to be a straight wall cartridge firing a bullet at least .357 caliber

So the most common ones in rifles would be .357mag, .44mag and 45 LC. But a few others would be 500 S&W, 480 Ruger, 45 ACP (not a great choice) .444 Marlin, .375 Winchester, 45-70.

I saw the cutest little Ruger M77 in .357 in a gunshop the other day.

Sam, wtf?!? :smiley_chinrub: Did it come with a matching purse? wait I mean accessory bag....

rotflmao (just bustin chops buddy)

OK...I'm just gonna come out and say it.....I wanna shoot a deer in Ohio with my 30-30.
There. I said it.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Mannnnn. The woods I have hunted most of my life in are so perfect for a 44 lever/carbine. Mostly 1-50 yard shots. Sit out there with a bow hunters thought-process... but carrying a straight wall carbine... They go into action so much faster than shot gun or muzzy.

Ya. That would just about complete the circle. . .

O shit...

forgot about Hoot.

Nope... I'll never close the circle of taking legal deer every way the state will allow until I take one the way Hoot does. My hats off to you my friend. Very cool.

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
35 rem is a bottle neck cartridge, current definition wouldnt allow it. IIRC .35 rem has a bullet diameter of .358. The .357 minimum keeps 9mm(.356) out.

But not a .380 that has less powder than a 9mm? I thought a .380 and 9 (which you're saying is a .356) were the same sized bullet with different powder?

Or am I wrong...I sense a learning opportunity coming around the corner...


Junior Member
SE Ohio
Old standard projectile for the .380 is 98 grain, 9mm is 115 or 124 grain. Both are .355 - .356 diameter. .380 has a shorter casing.

.380s on the left.


Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
Thanks, Fred!

...so a .380 is really a .356. Crazy. Just another example of how much I don't understand ballistics. You guys that know your stuff and calibers really amaze me!
I certainly hope it passes! Just the same, Ohio's always the last one to get on the wagon with what other states already have in place.

I don't see a lot of guys running out to purchase a lever action rifle for this, as they're not cheap. My Henry was $700 and Marlin, Rossi, Puma, Browning and Winchester are in the same ballpark.

I'd love to get my Henry Big Boy out and put it into action! :smiley_blink:
I wonder if this passes if the 3 round rule will stand. Most lever actions are harder to plug as a shotgun. I think it would be a real shame if the rednecks started ruining Winchester and marlins just so they can hunt with them in ohio proposed new season.
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Plugging a lever-action rifle was one of the concerns of the ODNR, but not a big one. The reduced power (compared to slug guns), increased cost to own, lack of range (compared to inline MLs) and Indiana's last 4 years of success were some of the things that were a positive for putting them into place as a weapon selection.

The shotgun plug rule came into effect as a means of regulating hunters from shooting each other. Past accident records showed that nearly all shooting accidents were with the use of a slug gun. After the rule was put into place, the shootings took a huge drop, which varified the DNR's suspicion. The arguement for handguns to have the same regulation was put down, because the ODNR said, "The handgun hunters are not shooting each other. In fact we don't have any accidents on record with handguns, during the deer gun season."
