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Packing LW Sticks with Millennium M100... How-To


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
A buddy of mine, Big H, sent me a text earlier asking if I had any pics of how I attach my Lone Wolf sticks to my Millennium M100 treestand. I know it’s been discussed here and there on TOO, and Greg (Fluteman) describes it in his videos, but I didn’t recall ever seeing a dedicated “how-to” thread on this topic specifically. Nayden was also asking me about this a couple weeks ago, and I know there are others here with new M100s, so I figured this thread could be useful. Keep in mind, there is always more than one way to skin a cat and this is no different.

First off, I have attached a couple homemade “versa-buttons” near the pivoting point of my M100’s platform. There is more than one way to do this. You can buy Lone Wolf versa buttons and attach them where an existing bolt goes through, or you can do it the hillbilly way like I did… show here.

If you position your M100 so that the “bottom” is facing up, you’ll notice there’s a hole about a ¼” in size drilled in one of the cross members on the back of the stand. I don’t know what this hole is for, but I took a short 5/16” lag bolt and cranked it down into there. I basically only did it so that I had something to hook a backpack onto, but it turned out to be beneficial for my LW sticks as well. A lucky coincidence you might say. Bolt size doesn’t matter, just as long as it’s slightly larger than the hole. You want it to screw into there with some difficulty, to make sure it’s rigid and not wobbling around.

Now when you lay the sticks up against the back of the stand, you’ll want the top stick of the stack on your left side. Notice how the sticks go up and to the right. You could do it the other way around if you’d like… I just do it this way because it keeps my LW cam-buckles away from the stand… thereby reducing noise.

If you look in from above, the “feet” of you top two sticks (or the two sticks furthest to your left) fit nicely between the vertical supports on the back of the stand. You’ll also notice that the teeth of the one foot fit just about perfectly around the hexagonal shape of that lag bolt head. The sticks will stack and pack just fine if you don’t have a bolt in there, but IMO it adds just a little extra security for the sticks.

The outside edge of the third stick from the left rides along side the outside edge of the right vertical support. Again, just another point of contact between the sticks and the stand. The more points of contact, the more stable they’re going to be.

Here’s how it’ll look on the back of the stand…

Now obviously you have to strap them down with something. There are a couple ways of doing this. Some guys will add a second set of Versa-buttons lower along the platform of the stand. I do it a bit differently. I figured, why not use the versa-buttons I already have instead of adding more? So, I take my extra cam-buckle strap and attach one end-loop around my left versa-button…

Then I take the other end of the strap and go underneath the left side of the seat support bar…

Next, I go up and over the sticks and back underneath the right side of the seat support bar… and then attach the end-loop to my other versa-button…

So basically all that’s left is to pull the tag end of the cam-buckle strap to cinch it up tight…

The sticks are now securely attached to the stand and will not bounce around or make unnecessary noise.

As I mentioned before, there are multiple ways of doing this and everyone will have they’re own preferences. This method works for me and may work for you, but if you have any suggestions or alternate methods, feel free to share. The Millennium M100 and Lone Wolf stick combo is becoming pretty popular among serious deer hunters, so the more we share about it the more we benefit from the ideas.

Big H

Senior Member
Thanks Jim, I can figure it out better now. Here is another one for you. What do you do with your backpack now? LOL


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Thanks Jim, I can figure it out better now. Here is another one for you. What do you do with your backpack now? LOL

Actually, this season I'm trying to get away from using my backpack altogether. Looking back at past seasons, I've realized that all the bullshit I carry in with the backpack is seldom used. I think the extra 5-10 lbs is a total waste. This season I've got a small 6"x6" belt-strap pack that clips onto my safety harness. It's only big enough for the bare necessities... license, tags, knife, rubber gloves, zip ties, flourescent tape, etc. No calls, no antlers, no scents, no twinkies, no handheld Yahtzee. Obviously, I'm not doing all-day sits like this. When rut gets here, I'll have a pack for all-day sits.

To attach a backpack, just attach the arms or the top loop of the pack onto one of the sticks or onto the top of the stand. It should ride just fine that way.

Big H

Senior Member
That is what I figured on the backpack Jim, but I thought you may have some crazy/secret up your sleeve. LOL I TOO carry a bunch of stuff in the pack, I should probably cut down on some of it but as soon as I don't take something, I would want it.


Junior Member
I have a hard time even keeping my sticks together. The attached strap broke almost immediately. I'm left using a strap from one of the sticks to secure them now. I just end up carrying them. But my system makes it a pain with my bag and bow.

Great idea though JB. You're much more handy than me, or less lazy ha ha!

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
I have a hard time even keeping my sticks together. The attached strap broke almost immediately. I'm left using a strap from one of the sticks to secure them now. I just end up carrying them. But my system makes it a pain with my bag and bow.

Great idea though JB. You're much more handy than me, or less lazy ha ha!

Call Lonewolf, they will replace that strap. I'm assuming you are talking about the cinch strap that is connected to the one stick, then wraps around the others? The one with the plastic buckle that clicks together?