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Online CCW Permit.


The Happy Hunting Grounds Beyond
Supporting Member
Ashtabula, Ohio
I really would love to go this route but like Cotty said, is it legit??? It shows on their page Ohio is one of the recepocating states. One hour on line and $79.00 is a hell of a deal for a guy that has a schedule.

Wonder if Joe could shed some light on this. If it is on the up and up I am doing it in a heart beat!!! :smiley_bril:


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Florida has had a mail in for 15 yrs. Don't know about this VA site. Just make sure it's honored in OH since there's no actual firing training as required by Ohio CCW.

Try doing a Snoopes.com search on it and see if anything comes up.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Not sure how it works. I do know if you have a permit in some states you are able to apply for a permit from other states. I have considered doing this.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
It will work mostly.....

If ask you want is your ccw then it will work until Ohio or the state you get yours from no longer has reciprocity. Then you are up a creek. Second reason is because there are some aspects of the ccw law that only apply if you have that states license such as the federal school and gun laws. With an Ohio chl no issue dropping your kids off, with a FL chl.... murky legal area. Third reason is purely selfish, we need more people with Ohio chls so that we have a larger "voice" in the statehouse. If you have a FL you don't count when a pro gun organization I'd touting how many chls are in Ohio.
It's quite simple. All you have to do is make a copy of your Ohio CCW Permit, write out a check for $19 and fill out the online Pennsylvania CCW Permit form and mail it all in to them. Next thing you know...ta da! You're legal in the majority of the eastern coastal states.

Here, the Buckeye Firearms Association shows a map of states where the Ohio CCW Permit is good.

Here's the Pennsylvania CCW Permit info:

If you notice, the Ohio map shows that the Ohio CCW Permit is NOT valid in Pennsylvania and Georgia. :p However, if you attain your Penn. State CCW Permit, then you're also legal in Georgia. :smiley_blink:



Senior Member
Supporting Member
It's quite simple. All you have to do is make a copy of your Ohio CCW Permit, write out a check for $19 and fill out the online Pennsylvania CCW Permit form and mail it all in to them. Next thing you know...ta da! You're legal in the majority of the eastern coastal states.

Here, the Buckeye Firearms Association shows a map of states where the Ohio CCW Permit is good.

Here's the Pennsylvania CCW Permit info:

If you notice, the Ohio map shows that the Ohio CCW Permit is NOT valid in Pennsylvania and Georgia. :p However, if you attain your Penn. State CCW Permit, then you're also legal in Georgia. :smiley_blink:

pa no longer does mail in. have to go in person


The Happy Hunting Grounds Beyond
Supporting Member
Ashtabula, Ohio
The only thing ( and I am embarrassed to say ) but due to my work schedule and have next to no days off I do not have my Ohio CCW Permit. That is why I was interested in the on line one. I could do it here at the Rig. With that said what is everyones thoughts?


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
There is a 100% guarantee. I'd put it on a Credit Card and try. A CCW is a must have IMHO.


Junior Member
Stark County
That's scary. Here we have class time and a range time requirement but they have it completely backwards. It should be 8 or 10 hours on the range and a couple hours in class to be honest. A lot of the class time crap was redundant but I guess it's supposed to be. The thing is, when we went to the range, about half of the twenty people I was in the class with had never handled a gun before that point. Ever. Shooting a paper plate from 10 feet in a few different positions and with my weak hand is something I can do with my eyes closed. The reason for this is I spend a lot of time shooting because shooting is a VERY perishable skill. The reason for that is responsibility. If I'm going to carry in public, I damn well better know how to shoot and hit what I'm aiming at. I watched my NRA Certified CCW instructors move several people to within five feet of the paper plate just to be able to "qualify" them then hand them a certificate to go get a CCW. I damn near had a stroke and I certainly let the instructor know how I felt and asked how he's going to feel when one of these folks who are obviously not "qualified" to even carry a bb gun in public kills an innocent bystander because he, the instructor, certified that they are competent. I'm all for Second Amendment rights, concealed carry, the Castle Doctrine and Stand Your Ground. My wife and I are both armed most of the time when were out of the house, but I firmly believe that if we're going to allow "Joe Public" to carry a gun on the streets, the training emphasis should be on shooting and handling a gun. The legal aspects and shoot/don't shoot scenarios can be covered in a few hours. Somehow it's completely backwards and instead we're certifying people to carry a gun who can't manage to put three of five rounds into a paper plate from ten feet but they can manage it from five feet, barely.
In case you're wondering, here's a reciprocity map. Click on Ohio and you'll see which states honor your CCW. I think this was accurate as of 09/2013 so I doubt much has changed. Note that PA is not on the list.
OK...I'm done now.
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"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I'm with you Treed. When I took my CCW class 9 yrs. ago we had one guy show up with 22 Mag. ammo for his 22LR revolver. He never shot it before and the store clerk told him all 22 ammo was the same. Scary.
I gave him enough ammo to shoot. We had to set down at a shooting bench and shoot off a rest at 21 ft. They tried to say I didn't qualify because I didn't hit the target enough times. When I showed them all the shots in one large hole it was good enough to qualify.
To me it was a total waste of time on the firing line. Another guy couldn't get his revolver cylinder open. Didn't know how. And now these qualified CCW permit individuals have loaded guns out in public. Again very scary.

As a matter of fact the CCW Instructor is a Attorney friend of mine. He seen the quality of individuals passing and getting their CCW he stopped doing the classes until Ohio change the rules. Ohio hasn't improved the requirements so he's never held any more classes.
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