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On-Line Podcasts ~ Wired To Hunt

I know some of you guys listen to on-line podcasts so I wanted to share with you the Wired To Hunt podcast! It's a weekly show that I listen to mostly at work off of I-tunes and boy do I look forward to it every week! They talk a ton about whitetails, bowhunting and just being out there getting the experience like you and me. They also do a great blog that fills the gaps in between the podcast. Good stuff and I promise you'll be hooked! Head over and check them out!! You can get to their podcast and blog articles from their website listed below and you can also get their podcast through your I-Tunes.

Definitely looking forward to what you've found Jesse. This one has been great and I have been saving several shows and re-listening to them. The last couple I have listened to several times were early deer strategies with Terry Drury and a patterning mature bucks one with Steve Bartylla.


Staff member
I listen to Joe Rogan's podcast and he took up hunting a couple years ago. He hunts with Steve Rinella and went on a bear hunt with Cameron Hanes this year. He's had those two along with a few other industry folks on in the past and they are great listens. I'll post links to all of them tomorrow. Well worth the listen and free to download.


Staff member
As promised. You can also download the on iTunes for free, or through the Beyond Pod app for Android users. I travel a lot for work, so these make great listens while on the road. I highly recommend these for anyone looking for some quality listening material at work or in the car.

Most of these are also available on YouTube. If you search: "Joe Rogan 'Podcast #'" you should find all of these on YouTube, iTunes or Beyond Pod.

Steve Rinella - Host of Meat Eater

Podcasts 176, 312, 348, 442, 462, and 540. I suggest you listen to 462 to pop your cherry.

Remi Warren - Co-Host of Solo Hunters

Podcast 439. This is a great listen.

Cameron Hanes

Podcast 450. I was a Cam Hanes hater until I listened to this. You'll rethink the guy after hearing him on here.

Tim Burnett - Co-Host of Solo Hunters

Podcast 548. Another great listen.
Cameron Hanes used to have a bowhunting podcast call Bowcast. That was a great one to listen to on learning how to increase your range and accuracy. Started getting real spotty with their updates though and then finally a new one saying good bye LOL.