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OK I am not dead LOL

Well I have been lurking here the last few weeks
As I have been using the GF's lap top computer at her house

So I spent 3 days being tested for my headackes

I go back in Jan for more tests
One thing they figured out was I have TMJ
When they fixed my head ...well not everything got put back in the correct spots and the plates are making things even worse
So the Muscles and tendons that work my mouth are getting inflamed
Any time I open my mouth , chew , talk ect ...it causes headackes

They told me I have a number of causes of the headackes and they will be trying to help

One thing , I am not sure if this is good or bad
BUT ....Well ...I don't realy like to take the pain pills

But they told me , I need to start getting controll of the pain
So I went from 2 types of pain pills and a migraine med ...to 4 types of pain pills and 2 types of migraine meds

I have not been doing much hunting the last few weeks
So I told my nefue to hunt my ground blind not far behind my house

Second night he shoots a 2 year old basket 7 point
Not a big rack
But he did all the work scouting when the deer were leaving the woods to feed

So IMO He did Good

I hope everyone the best
I will be back on in a few days
But if I am at the GF's I will not log on

Have fun



"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Good to hear there maybe some help for you. I also to not like to take pain meds and about 2 years ago the Doctor explained to me how the pain med works the best.
Pain med must be taken before the pain gets to the breaking point of pain, after my breaking point of pain the meds won't work correctly. He explained the pain med must be taken before the pain gets bad in order to control the pain better when it gets worse.
So since I know the pain is going to be a 24-7 constant problem he had me start taking the pain med when I 1st get up in the morning, then every 6 hrs.
What a major improvement in my MS muscle pain relieve. However I do OK with 3 meds a day rather than the 4 recommended. In 6 yrs I've probably only taken 4 per day maybe less than 10 days. The meds have no real effect on me.

So I recommend to follow the Doctor's instructions and take the meds even if your pain isn't to the that breaking point yet. It has helped me most days.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Glad to hear they had a few answers for you John. At least now you know what is giving you some of the headaches and can see about fixing it. It's the unknown stuff that drives us nuts lol.
Continue to get better buddy.


*Supporting Member*
Sounds like you are making progress.

Frank, that is exactly what my doctor told me about pain meds when I was on them several years back for my kidney.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Good to hear from you John. Hope they keep finding the source of your headaches and pain.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Great to hear from you John. And I'm glad you have a direction for your pain. Have you tried going to an acupuncturist? I had pain in my neck and jaw for almost 6 months and the doc told me it was TMJ and there wasn't a lot he could do except have me change my habits. 3 visits with an acupuncturist and I was 99%. Just make sure you find a good one. None of these "acupuncture helps you quit smoking" quacks. Also check your insurance as most of them now cover acupuncture for treatment of headaches.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
It's great to hear from you John and glad to hear they're finding more out about what's causing your headaches and pain. Hope you continue to get better!