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Oh hell yes


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
That one with you and your girl is the best damn hero pix you've ever taken! Love it!!! :smiley_clap:

My feelings exactly..... Zach it's good too see you growing as a father as well as a trophy hunter..... Now if you'd just learn how too bass fish..... lmao!!!!!


Senior Member
Thanks for all the positive comments guys.... I honestly needed that..... I have never been so close to hanging up my bow as I was this year. Property issues and tresspassers..... it all seems trivial..... but its stuff that weighs heavy on me.... he's not my biggest buck but he's still a dandy in my eyes. I'm perfectly content with shooting 140 inch deer every year. The hunt was one of the more relaxing and laid back I've had this year. I honestly went in there with zero expectations and just wanted to reminisce. This is where I've killed several of my biggest deer.... from literally the same tree. And this is where me and one of my best friends used to hunt together.... he helped me drag many a deer out of this hollow.... well he passed in 2007 at 23 from colon cancer. So this spot has a special place in my heart. I called his dad yesterday morning and he helped me drag the fat bastard out of the hollow.... we shared a few good laughs and a few tears. .... at the end of the day its more memories from what I call the killing stand.....
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Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
Well said Zach. And these memories made are the things that many people don't understand about the hunting experience. Congrats again.


Junior Member
Congrats on the buck and the baby!! Excellent pics and a good read. You've got all the reason in the world to smile with that little girl sittin on that deer!!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Thats a beautiful deer and I'm sure the memory of the day and sharing it with family will be with you always.

But that picture with your daughter. Priceless! Great smiles. Congratulations!