Welcome to TheOhioOutdoors
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Official "Welcome to The Ohio Outdoors" Thread


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Welcome buddy.. It's a great place full of great people. :) Enjoy, we look forward to your posts.


Senior Member
Kingston, OH
I've been a reader of "OS" for years just didnt' post anything. Also i've been active on bowhuntingohio.com for several years. I knew alot of the more entertaining folks had left os and came here. I'm glad I found this place cause it cracks my shit up!!!
so in other words , your saying we entertain you , do we make you laugh , like ha ha laugh , do we look like clowns ( well greg does when he dress's in drag) ..................dang it i fergot the rest of my joke , i had a good one lined up to

welcome to the site twireman