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O.K. ....Here we go.


Junior Member

I was in your shoes a while back and got most of my help from OSTA folks. I recommend you plan on attending as many of the shoots that you can this summer.


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
Gawd.... this is frustrating! Only thing I seem to be able to hit consistantly is my own wrist. Right on the bone at the base of my thumb. I spend so much concentration trying to hold the bow so it wont hit it that I cant concentrate on the target.

Had to stop after 18 arrows because the welt was getting too painful.


Retired to the happy hunting grounds above.
332 find a comfortable anchor and stick with. Start close in, say 10 yards. Get confident and back up five yards. Repeat until you lose confidence in the yardage your shooting and shorten back up. WHAT EVER YOU DO, do it the same over and over. Consistency!!!!!!! Above all don't take yourself to seriously. ALWAYS have FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Senior Member
two things. one, get an armguard and wear it. that will put an end to suffering from the wrist slap. this is exactly the kind of distraction that you need to avoid when learning to shoot a stick bow. second, with a recurve bow, the brace height should be high enough that you should not be hitting your arm with bowstring. probably something out of kilter with your bow, your form, or both. probably something simple, too. when my shooting takes a dive, it is always something simple. is hard to not over-think this this stuff. the sooner you can get together with some experienced shooters, the better. ok, that is like 5 things, but who's counting? :smile:

Hoot Gibson always tells me to stand like an old man when I'm shooting . slouch a little bit. might try bending the elbow of you bow arm a little, too, as opposed to locking it stock straight and stiff. and open your stance some.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
x2 on the brace height. Also, with a recurve, shoot w a straight wrist. It's become hip to shoot with a broken wrist for compound shooters. It's a terrible habit, destroys accuracy for most CP shooters, and is a nightmare for someone trying to shoot a recurve. You want your wrist straight, the force of the bow pushing into the crotch of your thumb, and DO NOT "palm" the bow! You do NOT "hold" a bow at full draw... you PULL the bow, even when at full draw, don't stop pulling. The easiest way to get into and keep that habit for me is keep a light anchor. By that I mean do NOT bury your finger(s) into your anchor point. If you are using your middle finger to the corner of your mouth, barely touch the corner with your finger. If you go burying your anchor in an attempt to "hold", you are gonna do all kinds of ugly stuff. When done right, everything will feel "in line" right down your drawing arm and continuing down the arrow...nice and straight! There are a million ways to shoot a bow wrong, and only a handful of ways to do it right. You've got to find one of those right ways, and learn to do it over and over. It's easy once you get it, frustrating as heck when you suddenly forget what the right way feels like...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort
I'm no expert, but don't stand there at full draw trying to aim. Draw, hit your anchor and release to your target in one smooth move.


Staff member
The most helpful thing Milo taught me was to treat it like throwing a baseball. Part mechanics, part natural movements. I'm still more accurate throwing a baseball at 20 steps than I am shooting my recurve. :(


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
I dont think an arm guard is gonna help. the string is hitting me right on the bone where the meat of my thumb meets my wrist. never seen an arm guard that covers that spot. I am starting to think the string is too long. I'll see if i can get a pic posted.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Twist the string. Its too long, brace is too low. It should be about 8" w a recurve, give or take a bit.


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
Wow! What a difference that made! Actually getting a group now.
Will you be able to make the osta shoot Saturday
Not looking good. My wife has the day off work and I think she has plans for us. Next month will be good though.


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
I just took another look at that schedule. I might be able to slip out on sunday. Any of you gonna be there?

Another newbie question, after I twisted the string and put it back on, it had a bit of a "twang". It got quieter after a few shots and I was wondering if I should unstring it again, or leave it strung. So far I've been unstringing it before I put it up but I thought maybe I should leave it strung and let the string stretch.