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Numbers.. Ohio's 2011-12 White-tailed Deer Season -8%


Tatonka guide.
still tryin to figure out this farmer thing....10 to 1 odds are hunters outnumber farmers at least 4 to 1 when it comes to numbers. Hunters are in the field say twice a week observing deer...farmers Maybe once a week if not 1 or 2 days a year....but their surveys weighs more heavily that hunters....

JD Boyd

*Supporting Member*
still tryin to figure out this farmer thing....10 to 1 odds are hunters outnumber farmers at least 4 to 1 when it comes to numbers. Hunters are in the field say twice a week observing deer...farmers Maybe once a week if not 1 or 2 days a year....but their surveys weighs more heavily that hunters....

They don't know the difference between deer damage to coon damage. I told one farmer this and he thought I was nuts. Coon knock the stalk over. Deer just nibble at the ear. Walk a field edge next to a woods and 12 rows deep are on the ground.... COON!!!


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
still tryin to figure out this farmer thing....10 to 1 odds are hunters outnumber farmers at least 4 to 1 when it comes to numbers. Hunters are in the field say twice a week observing deer...farmers Maybe once a week if not 1 or 2 days a year....but their surveys weighs more heavily that hunters....

I know way more guys that lease farm fields then actual farmers working their own land anymore so how reliable can these surveys really be? Point being, just because you talk to the landowner you may not be talking to the guy that farms said land.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
They don't know the difference between deer damage to coon damage. I told one farmer this and he thought I was nuts. Coon knock the stalk over. Deer just nibble at the ear. Walk a field edge next to a woods and 12 rows deep are on the ground.... COON!!!

You are correct! My neighbors (that do deer hunt a little) claim coons get the first four or five rows, then deer get the next three or four. You can't make this up.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Now your talkin...Call it Doe camp

Seriously, why not. They still have deer there. I made the drive to Hockingport several times last summer trying to get my boat squared away. I saw deer all over the place through Athens. I like to kill em, heck a bunch of you guys do too, we should go where they are and kill em. :) Plenty of public ground around. One guy would even leave the light on for us...at least once.:)


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Seriously, why not. They still have deer there. I made the drive to Hockingport several times last summer trying to get my boat squared away. I saw deer all over the place through Athens. I like to kill em, heck a bunch of you guys do too, we should go where they are and kill em. :) Plenty of public ground around. One guy would even leave the light on for us...at least once.:)

I'm game for an October weekend in Athens. Will that fella allow me to bring some corn by chance ? :)

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I don't believe I'd bother asking that guy. Funny all the rules he has for hunters at his camp...its a national forrest, anyone can go anywhere. Ha!


Dignitary Member
Staff member
coon do 8x more damage to corn than deer do. Yet farmers blame deer... Purdue university proved this in a 2 year at study.

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
That's what I've been trying to say all along. I can't understand why the people wanna kill a doe in the first place. Kroger has better meat...

Really?? Which Krogers are you shopping at that has lean, backyard (hand) fed organic meat that's custom butchered?


Senior Member
Really?? Which Krogers are you shopping at that has lean, backyard (hand) fed organic meat that's custom butchered?

That's what I'm thinking. I can't tell you the last time I used hamburger. I gave some away this weekend. Used some deer tonight.. So what do you do with your deer meat JD?

JD Boyd

*Supporting Member*
That's what I'm thinking. I can't tell you the last time I used hamburger. I gave some away this weekend. Used some deer tonight.. So what do you do with your deer meat JD?

Last years buck went to the coyotes, 010 buck wasn't any meat left on him, 09 and 08 bucks I donated to the food shelters and all the bucks before that went to an old guy I knew... I eat jerky and sausage and that's it... Maybe if I had it cooked right once I might eat it but the one time I had hamburger I had to spit it out. Stunk the entire house up... The only wild game I had that was worse than that was black bear from w.v.... Don't even wanna talk about that. Who cares what I do with my meat anyways???... Maybe I didn't make myself clear enough in previous posts. I'm not an idiot that thinks nobody should kill "A" doe but when it comes to killing 2,3,4 and 5 and then complaining about not seeing deer that's where I draw the line. I think Ric is right about trying to have hunters join together and only buy one deer tag and take matters in our own hands. It's all about money to the state. I've said this before, if deer were really a problem to the state they could kill all of them if it came down to it.


Senior Member
Wasn't trying to ruffle your feathers. We were going to shoot a doe this year, but decided not to from lack of deer sightings.. We got 86 pounds of burger from dads buck this year. The burger you ate, did you process it yourself, or was it somebody elses?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
That's what I've been trying to say all along. I can't understand why the people wanna kill a doe in the first place. Kroger has better meat...

If a person thinks Kroger has better meat, someone is not butchering, packing or cooking it right. I have worked in the meat department and know what goes on there.......... You do not want to know what they are allowing.

And if people ever wonder's where their "donated" deer go, just ask as I have also worked on the meat tables that donated deer go across ~~ The donating idea is a Great One as a whole..............But the choice cuts often do not make it to the food pantry.
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Dignitary Member
Staff member
I like this idea Brock. Maybe next year TOO will hold its first annual gun camp. A week long camp in the hills of Athens county. They were only 1 of 19 whose harvests went up this year. According to dnr biologists that means their herd is growing. Seeing as they still have a growing population and all we as hunters should be the management tool the dnr wants us to be and help them with their reduction efforts.

Maybe I'll do a contest. Open it up to the public too.. Kind of like a coyote roundup. We can have a prize for biggest doe, smallest doe, lightest button buck, and most does checked in 7 days. I don't think well hurt anything if we increase the county kill total because an increase in kills only means the population is growing right?

We could have it sponsored by some local butchers, (bring in one button buck and get the 2nd half price) maybe farmers and hunters feeding the hungry will chip in for a prize.

I can start promoting it now on the site. Collect a bunch of data for all the non residents to see how awesome Athens county is and how great a hunt it will be. I might stop through their old check stations and get pictures of bucks killed there to help promote how awesome it is there...


Senior Member
Hudson, OH
I see less OH permits in my future and PA gun season again...

I would rather drop 130 in PA for buck, doe, fall and spring turkey permits and see deer (where I hunt) then pull all day sits here doing nothing but bird, squirle and chipmunk watching...

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Staff member
That's what I've been trying to say all along. I can't understand why the people wanna kill a doe in the first place. Kroger has better meat...


You need to come eat at my house. It'll be the last time you think deer meat is not worth eating I can promise you that. We never buy red meat at the store unless I'm in need of a butt load of steaks. The whole reason we hunted when I was younger was to put meat in the freezer. I've lived on my own for a decade now and I've eaten 25 deer or so in that time. Tracie and I go through 2-3 deer a year and I'd love to be able to continue that trend. Not only does it save me a bunch of money, it also gives me the supreme satisfaction of knowing where my dinner came from. I shoot does to eat them. I am a meat eater!