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Not so great night on the Ohio


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Don't really know how too start this but want too put it out there just too make people aware.... My sons been home for about a week and he and I used too fish a tourney down on the Ohio River on the Cumberland pool out of Chester WV.... We were both excited too be back on the river again together like the many times we have done over the years.....

Took off heading down river going too our first spot and about a 1/4 mile before it we hit something that lift us up in the air which kicked from going straight too 90 degrees and the boat started too come over, at that point it was skipping like a rock on it's side which seemed like an eternity and according too the guy who saw it was very ugly...... My son was ejected out of the boat right before we came too a stop and was about 15' from the boat (not hurt but had the WTF look on his face) While the boat was on it's side skipping I was half in half out and bent over the side submerged with the steering wheel and console preventing me from being ejected...... When the boat came too the upright position I flopped back into the drives seat, motor still running (had the hot foot gas pedal which brings it back too an idle when you let off) But the engine was still in gear and I shut it off got my son back in the boat at which time I realized I'm friggin hurting big time.... Felt like I broke both hips (No broken bones or any other damage other than bruising and pulling muscles) Laid down on the front deck too survey damage and the boat that stopped too help us collected some things out of the water and was asking if we needed an ambulance (which at the time I was thinking where the hell you going too find one that floats lol ) Took about 5 minutes too gain my composure and survey the damage which really couldn't see any and the motor started and no vibration in the prop..... The guys followed us back too the ramp put it on the trailer drove home and parked it and then went too the ER..... Got there around 6:30 and @ 0100 I was leaving with a your lucky no damage and you're going too be one sore SOB for a while..... They weren't BS'ing about that......

So other than sore as hell, I'm thanking GOD it wasn't any worse than it was..... In hind sight and talking with Ryan neither of us saw anything floating and the guys behind us looked and didn't see anything either so at this point I'm at a loss for what we hit...... I've been running up and down this stretch for 2 decades and this is a first for us..... Just glad my Son is ok and no injuries other than bruising..... Talked with a couple of guys today and basically when ever you get kicked off of the pad (part that sits in the water while on plane and running) it'll torque one way or another usually in conjunction of the direction the prop is turning....... The guy that witnessed it doesn't understand why the boat didn't come all the way over on us..... He said it looked like it was then just righted itself..... So someone was looking out for us last night.....

Ryan was wearing his life vest (always does) and I was as well although mine is the inflatable kind and it worked flawlessly (Mustang brand gotta give them a shout out!!!!!) closest thing too an air bag I ever want too experience.....

So my take away is ALWAYS wear that life vest, and no matter how many times and how good visibility is you never know when shits going too hit the fan......

PS the one thing that bothered me after the fact was the motor was still running..... There is a kill switch that a lanyard is attached too which I attach too my life vest if you get thrown out of your seat (or boat for that matter) it shuts done the ignition killing the motor..... I guess since I never really left the seat the lanyard never pulled off of the switch, but the clip did snap off (at the vest) of the lanyard when I hit the throttle/gear shift and was hanging out of the boat..... Weird how something's play out like that.....


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Crazy stiff J, glad to hear you and your boy are ok.

I'll tell ya, it has always made me nervous being on a boat going down the river at high speeds. You just never know what's in the water.


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
I am on the river (east liverpool) and there is crap there all the time. Most likely a tree or something. then it floated back down. Glad to hear you guys are ok. I am sure that was a pucker factor of 1000


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Funny thing, it was really calm and you can see the floats for quite a ways and this had too be a foot or so below surface..... Pretty big too kick us up like that and I've bumped some stuff over the years but have been lucky up too this point but this came out of no where....

Surveyed the boat this morning and from all I can see no damage.... Going too pull the cover here shortly too check all the radius too see if any new cracks was too sore this morning too pull the cover....


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Holy scary experience! Glad you guys are relatively okay J. I am not into boats but I will remember this example if I ever end up in a boat again.


Senior Member
Man J.....I knew something was up when I didnt get a call last night with an update..... I was just telling you the other night when we fished how it scafes the hell out of me going down that river that fast......after I hung up with you earlier something hit me....that was going to be me in that boat beside you had your son not come home..... I woulda shit my pants......... I'm thankful no one was hurt....it worse yet, killed!!! People don't realize how dangerous bass boats really are

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Dang, J, glad all turned out as well as it did! That is some scary stuff right there! I had a similar experience last summer while alone on our little bass boat. I thought I was a gonner, and it was the deciding factor in us selling our lil bass boat for a more stable platform. You fellas with those BIG bass boats, and big motors scare me to death. A buddy here in town has one that will run 90+ mph. There is no way I'd have the balls to run like that on water. Our slow, wide, and relatively deep boat suits me just fine!

There is at least one YOUTUBE vid of a guy doing essentially what you and your son did. Difference being he tried to jump a wake and got his boat sideways at high speed. Terrifying to watch, as it was very similar to my experience last summer, and more likely a lot like what you must have felt last night.

Thank God above your son was wearing his vest and all is well.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Brock, had a barge wake on the river catch me by surprise one time, stood me right up and the steering wheel got a serious load test.... Kill switch worked as advertised luckily.....

But usually when I see barge or boat traffic I'm off the throttle and trimming down.....

A couple of buddies just stopped over and looked at the boat as well, and can't believe no damage either.....

Zach you're right that would of been you in the seat next too me.... Would of been a bad first trip on the river that's for sure.....

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Those fast boats are kinda like riding on arrow...it doesn't take much to knock 'em off line. Be careful with that thing, J!