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New Camera!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Well fellas got me my first trail camera. :smiley_clap::smiley_coolpeace:primos 35. Looking forward to sharing some photos with all you guys. The wife got me one from Menards for Christmas but I knew it wouldn't last too long out there. So I told her I had done some research and for the price and quality this one seems to be the best out there.

Just trying it out know in my office taking pictures of me typing on the computer.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
That's a nice camera Steve, hope you get some awesome pics with it. I'm planning on ordering a camera a month until September 2011, so I should have 8 or so cameras running by then. I'm probably gonna order the 60's if I can find a good enough deal on them. Thought about picking up a Reconyx also and giving them a shot. I want something that I can run video with.


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
That's a nice camera Steve, hope you get some awesome pics with it. I'm planning on ordering a camera a month until September 2011, so I should have 8 or so cameras running by then. I'm probably gonna order the 60's if I can find a good enough deal on them. Thought about picking up a Reconyx also and giving them a shot. I want something that I can run video with.

Mine will be here Friday. $137.95 on ebay man. Found San Disk 2GB SD cards on Amazon for $7.50 shipped. And got camo Python Locks for $22.50 shipped. You are more than welcome to run one after muzzleloader to see what you think...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
I set it up in the drive to see how it would work when the wife got home. I had it set for 3 shot burst. She didn't even know they where taken.



Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
I think you will like it Hoyt. I just wish the batteries lasted a little longer. Will be interesting to see how they work in the cold temps. Putting mine back out tomorrow. I was going to do it this evening but walked off and forgot it in the truck (remembered about 200 yards down the trail )


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Mine will be here Friday. $137.95 on ebay man. Found San Disk 2GB SD cards on Amazon for $7.50 shipped. And got camo Python Locks for $22.50 shipped. You are more than welcome to run one after muzzleloader to see what you think...

Eh, no worries, I'll try them as I buy them. If I don't like them, I'll switch it up as the months pass by. Wayne, I am using my Fire Brigade Training OT from work to pay for it. we have eight training classes a year, so that's what that money will go towards. Easy to say, but in all reality, it will prolly be 5 or 6 cameras.


Senior Member
That sounds good Greg, I need to myself on a hunting budget...

Steveo - Nice cam


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I find it has helped me on certain properties to buy them as a group. My buddy bought his hunting property this year. He and I went in together on cameras. We were able to buy 4 Bushnell Trophy Cams at $160ea shipped. Ends up being $240 when you buy 2 cards per cam, batteries, lock box, and python cables. However, when you buy the cameras one month and it is $320 for each of you and you have 4 cameras running, the other $160 each in batteries/box/cable is forgotten the next month when you buy them. haha $960 total for four cameras secured and running for a year before you need to put any batteries in them sure is nice. Next year we can put our money into seed, fert, and some more stands. Enjoy your camera Steve, and you too when you get them Greg!


Tatonka guide.
Jesse for that price i may try to add one a month also... i need some other goodies first but they are on my list. Any one tried the energizer rechargeable batteries in their cams?


Tatonka guide.
I've been thinking about ordering them myself. Just not sure it's worth the initial investment...

i use them at home and work and a set of AA i get about a years worth of use out of. I may try them when they get here...


Senior Member
I have done tests to see which batteries last the longest! Your average price for 4 energizer batteries is 6-7 dollars. You average price for Dollar general alkaline batteries is 3 dollars for 4 batteries. I get the same amount of photos out of the dollar general brand as I do the energizer ones, no matter what the temperature outside! Thats a 50% savings!

I have noticed very little difference in the Primos 35, 46 and 60. For the money, I would buy the 35 and get more of them. A buddy ofmine has a 35 and is around 2000 photos on one set of batteries! THe 3 shot burst does eat the batteries bad I have noticed!


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
has anyone tried buying one of those 6v batteries and cracking it open? I heard there are something like 32 "aa" batteries inside them. I dont know how those batteries compare to the ones you get in a regular pack though.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
South East Ohio
I just got one of the 35's off ebay for $52 and the sensor was bad on it, so I called Primos and talked to them about it and they told me to put it in the mail and they would send me a new one. They had the camera back to me in less then 2 weeks. With the nine dollars to ship it to them my total is $61, which is fine by me. This says alot for Primos in my book.


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
Primos is really trying to hit the nail on the head with the cams IMO. They've listened to the major complaints from trail cam owners and tried to provide us with a product, and the service to correct those issues. So far, I think they will hammer Cuddeback and Moultrie in 2011 and beyond. I'm excited to test these 60's out and see if they are worth the additional money. But I can say that I'm mostly happy with my 35's. They are not a BEC, but I can own 4-5 for the cost of one BEC and the more eyes I have in the woods, the better!