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Need some good mojo sent my way

Derek j

Senior Member
Knox Co.
I shot the biggest deer of my life tonight. I didn't even make it to my tree with my climber. I was walking to the tree when I spotted a doe along the fence row. I stalked to within 40 yards when I noticed another slick head next to her.

As I was watching them, I caught movement along the tree I was standing next to. I peeked around to see an absolute pig standing less than 20 yards from me. He was close enough that I could have counted the beads of water coming off of him when he shook the water off him. He was quartering slightly TOO me, so I stood waiting for a good shot. He turned broadside, and I drew. As I released the arrow, he turned to me again. The arrow buried behind the right shoulder, all the way to the wrap. He jumped the fence and ran onto the neighbors property. I got good blood for 100 yards or so, then decent drops after that. I think the buck backtracked on me, or ran into another neighbors field and hopefully bedded down to die. Need some luck sent my way for tomorrow.....hoping with everything I have that I find him. He was never pushed, but was on a steady jog until I lost sight of him.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
If everything is like you said it sounds like a good one lung liver if not both lungs and liver. You should find him tomorrow. Best of luck!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
We're sending a trailer load your way........I've got a good feeling on this one TOO! Predict pic's by 10 am! Good Luck Man.

I can be there in like 45 minutes........Just sayin'


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I am with Hoyt. Sounds like at least a lung and liver the way I read it. You have mojo on the way from me. Can't wait to see the pics!


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Good luck, hopefully you've already got him and getting him all lined up for the hero shot!!!!! :smiley_coolpeace:
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