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My new Henry Big Boy Steel 44 Magnum

I sold my Ruger Super Redhawk 44 Magnum, to purchase a Henry Big Boy Steel 44 Magnum.
Sportsman's Den, in Shelby had the best price of anyone I could find and at $679 I couldn't pass it up. :smiley_bril: I hope to get it out to the range, this weekend.

I took a long hard look at a Marlin 1895 Cowboy with a 26" octagon barrel, in 45-70...and nearly bought it, instead of the Henry. :smiley_chinrub: Maybe I'll buy it next year.


Ohiosam said:
Nice! I prefer the look of the steel frame over the brass. Let us know how it shoots.
xbowguy said:
Nice! I also think the steel looks better than the brass.

I do too! I had a Big Boy about 6 years ago, in .357 Magnum with the brass receiver, but that was before the steel receiver was available. I should be able to get out Saturday and put a few rounds through it to see how it shoots. I'll post some photos. :smiley_blink:



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
I do like the lines of the gun as well as the checkering.
Looking forward to the range report.
Lumber head 75 said:
Nice rifle Dan, are you going to put a scope on it?
Not at this time. I like and prefer the traditional lines of a lever action rifle, without a scope.
I will sight it in at 25, check it at 50 and again at 100, with open sights. It may take some time to see what the rifle likes for reloads, to make a decision on bullet types. I prefer jacketed bullets, but the rifle may have another opinion. :smiley_blink:



Retired to the happy hunting grounds above.
I had the Henry .44 in the brass. TOO flashy for hunting and heavy! Was no steel Henry so I went to Marlin. I like the side port loading. Never cared for the tube load. Just me. Not the fault of the rifle.