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My Headackes & Migraines

OK Friday I went to a specailist for Headackes and Migraines

He explained why my headackes & Migraines got worse and I had to cancel hunts
Or only hunt a hour or so , even after taking a pain pill

Long story short
Cooler - Colder weather and my forehead

Not sure of all the details .....but
OK the cold causes the blood vessels to constrict
Causing Migraines
Also the gunshots cause headackes & migraines
Not from the noise , but the shock wave hitting my head

So I now have 2 new med's
Also as soon as aproved , I get Botox injections in my forehead

Suposed to help



Senior Member
South Eastern Ohio
Sorry to hear this, John. I've been blessed many ways and not having migraines is on of them! I have to neighbors that get them regularly and it doesn't sound like an enjoyable time. Hope yours go away soon with this new medicine. Praying for you.


*Supporting Member*
Byesville, Ohio
Really glad to hear that you are getting your headaches and migraines under control John, I have frequent headaches and occasional migraines also, the Dr.thinks mine are being caused by my eyes and sleep apnea, got an eye appointment on the 27th and they are working on getting me set up for a sleep study so we will see


Junior Member
don't do the botox. They will give you somewhere between fifteen and twenty five shots in your head. across your forehead hair line and around the back of your head. They will tell you that the first set you prob won't notice a difference. So three months later you will get another round that they will tell you that you might start noticing a difference. Go back I believe it was two months after that for a third round. After three rounds and $2,100 not a damn change in my wife's migraines. That was $2,100 with insurance, I believe this is the biggest gimmick out there.

Shoulder Blade

Junior Member
don't do the botox. They will give you somewhere between fifteen and twenty five shots in your head. across your forehead hair line and around the back of your head. They will tell you that the first set you prob won't notice a difference. So three months later you will get another round that they will tell you that you might start noticing a difference. Go back I believe it was two months after that for a third round. After three rounds and $2,100 not a damn change in my wife's migraines. That was $2,100 with insurance, I believe this is the biggest gimmick out there.

That sucks the treatment didn't work for your wife. My friend had it done and It helps him.

I can say the chances of the FDA approving a "gimmick" treatment are non-existent.

Perhaps she has celiac disease, has she been tested?


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
John good luck on your new treatment. I have a ex-SIL who is totally out of it and hid in her bedroom when she had the attacks.
I never even get a head ache except when my sinus get close to chemicals.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
That sucks the treatment didn't work for your wife. My friend had it done and It helps him.

I can say the chances of the FDA approving a "gimmick" treatment are non-existent.

Perhaps she has celiac disease, has she been tested?

Keep in mind this is the same FDA that refuses to admit vitamin supplements offer any positive health value at all. Then follow that statement up with "Unless you're vegan or pregnant" Laughable. So vitamins only help if I'm a vegan or unborn. But for everyone else they don't do a thing. Lol.

Shoulder Blade

Junior Member
With the fortified food products in this country, vitamins are not needed. Most of them are pissed down the toilet.

Vegans aren't eating a balanced diet and there is a demand from a unborn child.

But honestly mamals have been giving birth w/o vitamin supplementation for thousands of years just fine.

Plus there is no guarantee that what is on the bottle's label is actually in the supplement.
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Junior Member
I hope you the best, just don't want to see someone be taken for good hard earned money like we did. That is a lot of jack for a crap shoot, we tried it because even if it cost 5 grand it would have been worth it but its sucks to spend all that money to be no better off.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Ive been fortunate to only have one headache I would consider to be of migraine status. I can't imagine having headaches like that frequently!
Try going to a Chiropractor, some people get fantastic results when suffering from migraines.

I was told to not even think about that

As I have a little damage to my spine from the fall
With X Ray's and CT scans , so they could look at it

One of those fun things I have to look foreward to is them fixing it when it finaly is bad enough
