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My daughters new pet...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Of all the animals she could gotten, she picked a Hedgehog...
Not very cuddly if you ask me.lol

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Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
I seen that on FB lol. They are pretty cool but I don't think I would own one.

Well..at least the dogs at your place have a ball to play with when she comes home to visit lmao.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Oh CJD! I can't believe you posted those pics. Huck is going to ruin his keyboard looking at pictures of your daughter now. You know how those young fellers are. lol


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Quills are just like a porcupine in the top half. They make a funny "engine/growling" noise when threatened and ball up. lol
She says they bond w/ the owner and lay the quills down most the time. When he's spooked, they not only raise up but criss cross... Just a odd little guy.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
When i was 17 my girlfriend at the time had a hedgehog... She had too many pets and her dad made her get rid of some. She asked if i would take her hedgehog... Being the nice boyfriend i was i said i would.. We had an old rabbit pen off the back side of our shed. The shed was built off a hill and had an open deck under roof to the side with a covered workbench and sink. The rabbit pen was off the back side of the bench overhanging the hill, this way the shit under the rabbit pen never had to be shoveled. The climate is mild enough in Southern Ms that this hedgehog could live in there 90% of the year...

I filled the rabbit box with straw so he could climb in there and hide, but come out in the pen if he wanted. I had the sucker for about a month and all was well... One night i was sitting there on the stool at the workbench tearing apart an old 9.5 horse evenrude outboard and rebuilding the carburetor. Had the motor mounted to the bench, top off, taking her apart. Tore into the beers quite a bit while i was working and finished up rebuilding her about 2 am.

The next day i fed the hedgehog. The next day i noticed the food hadn't been touched. I pulled the straw out of the box and out flopped a hedgehog dead as a doornail.. I also noticed the hay smelled heavily of Carb cleaner... You guessed it.. As i worked on that engine, cleaned parts, and rebuilt it i was spraying the shit out of parts with carb cleaner.. All the while that pen was directly behind it catching all the over spray.... I gassed the poor little fugger with carb cleaner... lmao