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My Dad


*Supporting Member*
Byesville, Ohio
Red, have the conversation with this great man, I am sure it will not be easy for either of you but I think it is something that you both need. I lost my dad to throat cancer 6 years ago and had the same type of relationship that you have with your dad, I kept putting off talking to him thinking that he was "inviciable" until it was too late and it is something that I regret everyday. You and your dad and your family will be in our prayers and thoughts.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort
Prayers sent to you and dad. Let me know if you need anything from me...
P.S. Tell him that I thank him for his service and sacrifice.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Sounds like you have had a great role model for the most part red. I think it is a wise decision you have made to have the conversation. Prayers sent.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Some strong and solid advice from all who have posted here.

First off, thank him for his service from me. Secondly, talk to him. If you want to know something, you just have to ask. If you want to tell him something, he will not know unless you tell him. Seems pretty simple from the outside, but I know it cannot be easy for you.

Sounds like he is a true American hero and a great father to you. Sounds like a fighter and this will serve him well as he battles his illness. Can't say I have been in your exact shoes, but my dad gave us a big scare when he was 59. It showed me my dad was not invincible. It was not an easy road, but he is still here and I know to enjoy our time together and never take it for granted anymore. You dad may be going down hill, but he isn't dead. Sorry if this sounds blunt, but sometimes there is no other way to put it. Enjoy every minute with him. Whether he is around a year or 40 more years. Talk, laugh, go to lunch, or help him clean the gutters. Whatever you do with him or for him. . . .soak it up.


*Supporting Member*
Praying for you buddy! Literally amazing right up on your dad, seems like a great guy!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
Many Thoughts and Prayers coming your way. Spending time with him is important. A man once told me that no matter how much time you spent with your Dad, one day it still will not be enough...... I now know what that man meant. I sure miss mine every day!


Junior Member
Central Ohio
Ah hell Ryan that's tough. I'm really sorry to hear of this. I remember meeting you and your father at Buttonwood years ago. I remember fishing with you and him admiring your candor and respect for others. Your father is a good man, and I'm sure he is very proud of you.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sorry to hear this.Talk to him you will be so glad you did.Sounds like a great father you have there.Makes me appreciate mine even more after hearing this and glad he is still around as he will be 79 in 2 weeks.Praying for you guys.And seriously do what you can now to keep the leeches from getting what they dont deserve.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Had a good time last night. He's officially selling me his boat for $1. Ive had the boat for a year now but he says its mine. A couple of my nephews were there (the non-leach variety) and they have been helping around the property. Windstorm on Sunday blew over Dad's slightly illegal, super tall CB antenna. The nephews put that back up for him and cleaned up some trees that were torn up. It puts my mind at ease knowing those guys are there to help. Dad is gonna get a will made up soon. He still has a positive attitude as far as trying to eliminate other possible things other than ALS. He sounded so freaking bummed out saying all he does is sit outside wishing he had the energy to bowhunt. I think we're gonna set something up on 1 of our properties to atleast get him out for a sit or 2 with the shotgun