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WTB Looking for a dual axle trailer


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Hey fellas, as the title states, I'm looking for a nice dual axle trailer. Looking to upgrade my water hauling capabilities, so I need something fairly heavy duty. I'd like to stay in the 12-14' range, but would also consider a nice 16' flatbed car hauler as well. I'd like for it to have dual axle brakes, buy could settle for single axle brakes for the right price.

I found a new Gatormade 12' Utility Trailer with dual axles for $1800, so if I can't find something used and in good shape, I will go that route. I'm planning on upgrading to a 500-600 gallon water tank for it as well.

Figure my max price is gonna be $2200 on a trailer. If you guys see anything or know anybody that has something they are looking to get rid of, let me know. Thanks fellas!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Greg, you shouldn't have any issues in this price range. Don't be afraid to check auctions. Sometimes you can find one heck of a buy at a farm auction.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
Nice looking trailer Ben, but the issue Greg is going to run into here is the weight he's looking to haul.

500gal of H2O = 4,150lbs; 600gal = 4980lbs.

Be looking for a 5K GVWR trailer or you will be illegal, replacing tires/axles more than you would like. Good luck!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Thanks BM for the link. Like Adam said, I'm gonna need dual axles with 3500lb axles to even haul 500gallons of water. I'd love to have aluminum, but just can't afford it right now.


Staff member
I'm sure you've considered it, but have you priced out drilling a new well? I have no idea what the costs run in that regard, but with the purchase of this stuff coupled with your time, cash, and $ for the water it could be an option.


Senior Member
I have drilled two wells in the past 13 months. One at home, one at camp.
All in price with hookups.
94 feet @ $ 4200.00
140 feet @ $ 6200.00

Besides with a well on site, more time on your hands, and your property value should increase. An investment.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Drilling a new well is an option, but where I'm at, it's a gamble. I have a 160' well now. When it was initially drilled, it was rated at a gallon a minute. I have lived there four years now, and it has never produced at that rate. I have spoke with every neighbor within a mile radius, and damn everyone has low producing wells. Half deal with it, and the other half harvest rain water or haul water. I have spoke with the man who drilled my well (seven year old well) several times now. He is more than willing to come drill a new well, but is not confident in finding more water than we have now. Heck, I can't even find a spring on the 15 acres I have.

Hauling water isn't a hassle, because I can get free city water off my mom who lives three miles away. I can drive seven and get water from a water station for $.25/50gal. I only haul a load a week now @325 gallons, and supplement what I haul with what little water my well does produce. I planned on purchasing a trailer this year anyway, so all I'm really out is the $500-1000 to purchase a new hauling tank.

I appreciate the input fellas, I really wish it would be as simple as drilling a new well, but that's not a gamble I'm willing to take when I can go for the sure thing of hauling water.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Dang dude. I can't believe there is no water anywhere around you

There's almost no wells in Butler County either. Almost the whole county is on different Water Assoc.
I've hear different reason in the last 35 yrs. Like salt water, bad sulfur but never really found out why. The only wells I know of are on the original old farm steads.
There is still some water hauling in the out lying areas where the water Assoc. didn't run pipes. Our gunclub hauled water till about 15 yrs. ago.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Thanks Adam, I'll shoot the guy a text. A tilting trailer would be nice!

I've been watching CL and the BB, and I've went and seen a few. Maybe I'm too particular, but I haven't found anything that I was 100% happy with yet.

TOO bad you weren't closer. Local guy sells new for the price most ask for well used.

Hill equipment in Marengo.