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Jager's Snaring Adventures


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
Yep, female.

Here's a pic after I rinsed her out.

Is she a good candidate for tanning? I can't see her backside that good.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
Something funny is: I just knew JB was gonna get at least one if he didn't get frustrated. Nice to see you get them back to back! What a lot of guys don't mention, is they sling a LOT of snares. Some of these guys are running 60 - 100 and yea they catch several some days.... We are "Playing" and having a good time.

Just make sure she is good and dry Jim. Hair will slip if not. I hope she is a good one when dry.


Well-Known Member
In the Uplands
You guys gotta help the rookie out! Brian said he would help me catch em but said they were no fun to skin. I now know that to be very true


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
You guys gotta help the rookie out! Brian said he would help me catch em but said they were no fun to skin. I now know that to be very true

Split the tail down about 1 1/2 - 2" (Maybe a little more). Put a spike on each side of the tail and lock your fingers around them (Tail between finger 2 and 3) Then squeeze tight and pull towards the tip of tail. I use my left hand to steady the Coyote carcass. Once it starts, the bone will slide right out!

The front legs suck as well! I cut around the wrist and split them on the under side up to the elbow. Then when I get to them it is much easier!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
Split the tail down about 1 1/2 - 2" (Maybe a little more). Put a spike on each side of the tail and lock your fingers around them (Tail between finger 2 and 3) Then squeeze tight and pull towards the tip of tail. I use my left hand to steady the Coyote carcass. Once it starts, the bone will slide right out!
Tail strippers are nice also.


Well-Known Member
In the Uplands
I had a stripper but they didn't work either. That's an interesting tip with the spikes. Will have to try with that one next time.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Haha... The last 8-10 replies about skinning give me a chuckle. Just finished taking a shower and washing that stink off of me! I cleaned her up with the hose, hung dry for a couple hours, dried the rest with an absorbent super towel, and then brushed her down good. She's not a prize pelt by any means, but I think she's worthy of keeping. The fur on the back was good and long, with no real bald spots anywhere that I could find.

Let me say, skinning coyotes sucks. Lmao! This was my first try at it so I know that's the main reason why, but damn, I can skin a deer faster. Maybe after I do a few it'll go much better. The tail gave me a bit of trouble but I worked through it. I split it down about 2-3" from the base, then used a pair of adjustable pliers wrapped around the bone to strip it down. Once it got started it stripped right out easy peasy. Then the damn front legs were a pain in my ass too. I didn't have the best setup... And it was too low... You know how frustrating stuff can be when it's harder than it needs to be just because your setup is shitty. But I digress. It didn't go too bad. It took me about 45 minutes or so. I didn't want to try fleshing it yet so I just rolled it up fur side out, bagged it, and put it in the freezer.

I was REALLY close to giving up last week. In fact, I pulled down over half of my snares. The dikes became too wet to drive on and I didn't have time to walk them all. So I just left up a half dozen or so that were closest to the house. But I knew they were in a decent area too. Glad I didn't pull those ones too! Now I know I CAN at least catch something!
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