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I wish I was smoking

Are you using the Scent Smoker this year

  • Nope, but I'm smoking my clothes over an open fire.

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Dignitary Member
Shermans Dale, PA
up this year. DANG!!! I really want to try the scent smoker out on deer. Last years elk hunt didn't work out that well because I didn't have it with me and was the only one of the three of us with smoked clothes. In 2008 it did work great on those SC piggies though.

Scott, my friend from Idaho, has a scent smoker and was going to use it during this years archery season, but he's doing some stuff at the FBI acadmey right now and won't be back until the end of Idaho's elk archery season. He said he's really looking forward to trying it out. Maybe next year I'll be able to finagel another trip.

Anyway, until at least next year I'm sitting the sidelines and living deer season through you all. Smoke'em if ya gottem......:smiley_banana:


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I think it's obvious to see how much i believe in the product. LOL.. Seriously though guys... I was probably one of the biggest naysayers there was about it.. The only reason I bought one was to debunk it and shut up threads like this one.... Guess what happened... 3 seasons later i will NOT go in the woods without smoking up. Someone could find the post on OS I made "jackalope Eats Crow" or something like that. I'll look fr it later.


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
I refuse togo into the woods without smelling like smoke.....my stalk on a group of 5 deer down wind from me last year proved its worth for sure. got withing 15 yards of this huge doe and shot her. It was great, I could actually feel the wind blowing on the backside of my ears right to the group

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I assume you figured I was just messing with ya... Pretty darn neat how close you can sneak up on deer when their nose is "confused" isn't it? I have a bit of a bet going with Haleybrock this year. The end result (me winning the bet) will be sweet! Gonna plan on sneaking up on and shooting a few from the ground this year... Seems Haleybrock doesn't think it's quite as easy as I do...ha!


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
Yea I knew you were messing with me.......

It was the perfect opportunity, I walked the creek bed right up to the corner. The wind was blowing out into the field and I was right behind this big bush. I stuck my head out and saw how close they were, I drew my bow then stepped out, she looked and I let loose. She ran about 60 yds then tumbled. It was a pretty cool experience.


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
I've been smoking up the past few weeks when I've been checking cams and glassing fields. I love it! The first time I fired it up in a while was like rekindling an old flame, literally! :D It was great!!!


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
im tellin ya, if you get one you wont be dissapointed. If there are people who burn wood around your area for their home, shed, etc. Than it is a smell that those deer are used to and dont associate with harm.


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
I wasa huge skeptic at first, but then I figured I better try it before I say its crap. Well I havent turned back. That first day I had it, I had like 10 doe around me at one time and none of them even blinked an eye of me being there. Had them down wind, and as close as 15 yards. No problem.

Just when you do. make sure you follow a good scent elimination regime and then smoke up.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
I am VERY frugal (wife says cheap). I am still a skeptic. The only thing holding me up from trying one out is that around my hunting areas no one burns wood for heating. I would think it is something that they are not used to = spooked.

Talk me into one...


brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Beats me, all I know is next week I will be strolling up on elk from upwind while smelling like hickory smoke. There isn't a hickory tree for 500 miles from the area I will be hunting...

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I assume you figured I was just messing with ya... Pretty darn neat how close you can sneak up on deer when their nose is "confused" isn't it? I have a bit of a bet going with Haleybrock this year. The end result (me winning the bet) will be sweet! Gonna plan on sneaking up on and shooting a few from the ground this year... Seems Haleybrock doesn't think it's quite as easy as I do...ha!

Any way to get in on that action? I love ground stalking. I shot one two years ago where i was worried about the arrow clearing the riser.. Sucker was walking right by me.

Which one of you ass clowns are adding to my posts?


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Which one of you ass clowns are adding to my posts?

OOps my bad.. Admin fugg up.. When logged in as an admin everyone's post has an edit button right next to the quote button.. I Fugged up and clicked the wrong one thinking i was replying and accidentally edited yours... My bad.. I'm a dumbass. I'l fix it.


The Crew
Swanton, Ohio
The smoke or not to smoke annual thread......like the apple wars I look forward to this every fall:smiley_blablabla:

When I first heard of this I understood the concept but was also skeptical. In addition I am a cheap fucker. I made a smoker out of an old coffee can. I took some of my oldest hunting duds and smoked them and myself. It worked and fooled an old doe I had been trying to kill for years. She ALWAYS approached from downwind and no matter what scent control methods I used. I could see her sniffing from 150 yards away, I could tell when she hit the smoke. She paused and was totally confused. She brought her brood in and I finally had a shot at her. Which I promptly missed. I was so jacked I fugged the show up.

I have had deer follow my smoke trail to the base of my tree and never be alarmed. Even licking the underbrush I brushed agianst on the way into my stand.

The onlt thing I will caution you guys about is becoming overconfident in the smoke. If they bust you moving in the tree smoked up, they WILL associate the smoke with that stand. Most of you hunt multiple groups of deer so that is probably not a big issue. Here in the NW part of the state we hunt the same group of deer from Sept. to Jan. You fugg around enough they will figure it out.

I will say I have smoked up my almost $1000 Cabelas Scentloc MTO 50 bibs and parka:smiley_bril::smiley_bril:

But I still think Brock is a little homo:smiley_crush:


Junior Member
Smoking is hazardous to all deerz health ...

This will be my third season of using the Scent Smoker and I can tell you as many other have already it is The Hottest Thing in Scent Control! The injuns started it first and if I were a beekeeper for my day job I'd 'bee' in good shape throughout the season. Unfortunately, I work in suburbia and therefore I am required to look the part ... so at the end of the day, I smoke up before I hit the woods. Sometimes I wear my work clothes underneath my hunting gear and the smoker conceals my suburbanite office stink. I know that goes against everything we were ever taught, but .... I have the SS in my corner.

There isn't a hunt that goes by that I don't smoke up! Since I have been using the Scent Smoker (SS) I have shot at least four deer that came in up wind of me.

It works.... learn it, live it, love it and furthermore ... trust it. Oh and by the way save an ass ton of money on not purchasing that high dollar scent lok shit. Just sayin.



Junior Member
I assume you figured I was just messing with ya... Pretty darn neat how close you can sneak up on deer when their nose is "confused" isn't it? I have a bit of a bet going with Haleybrock this year. The end result (me winning the bet) will be sweet! Gonna plan on sneaking up on and shooting a few from the ground this year... Seems Haleybrock doesn't think it's quite as easy as I do...ha!

That is right fuggar. BTW, I like sam adams octoberfest. :smiley_breakdance: Only one person can have super powers and have the cape.:smiley_carnaval:

I will be using the smoker and using the SSWWEEETTT OAK. I will have that smoke rolling out and coating my scentblocker gear. Yep, that shit holds the smoke well. And, I will be smoking up the new rocky gear as well.:cool: