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Hypothetical scenario


*Supporting Member I*
North of Toledo
I've had this happen a few years back and I passed. A few minutes later another mature buck came into the corn and I shot him instead.
I agree with Boarhead on this one.


*Supporting Member*
Interesting seeing what yalls opinions were. I just got to thinking about this scenario for some reason. Mainly because of the main deer I've been hunting the last couple yrs. He's still carrying both sides as of yesterday morning. But I got to thinking, what if he shows up and he's carryin one side? I know he's basically living a small area and bedding in two places. Not sure what I'd do in that scenario.....Its doubtful I'll ever kill this particular deer...
Some here subscribe to the age before antler size mentality ...well, if a deer is shed he's still the same age as if he was carrying ?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
I had this scenario a few years back. Found one side in a corn pile on Dec18. Ended up finding the other side and hunting the deer the next year. A neighbor killed it but I still had another chance.


*Supporting Member*
knox county ohio
I'd have to say depends on the deer and area I'm hunting. I'm going to a spot this weekend that has a big 7 point on it and my brother said he broke his main beem when he seen it I'm hoping he's wrong and it was a different deer but he's a 5 year old deer and I don't know if he will make it another year with the people around there


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Antlers are a bonus but bottom line you're hunting the animal carrying those things.... My last target buck I killed was a scrub by most people's standards but I was hunting him not so much his antlers.... He was an old mature buck..... I've done the same with doe and did so this year just because she caused me too much grief while on stand lol.... There's a sense of accomplishment when it happens, that means more too me than a mount....


Staff member
I'm an age before antler guy, but I still don't see the point in shooting a buck (especially a target buck) when he's not carrying what makes him, him. I'd feel like something was missing, literally and figuratively, looking at the mount with only one side. It would almost feel like a disservice to the buck that you killed him when he wasn't in his "prime".
I've passed deer with broken beams before thinking I'd see them next year and it never happened. Would I shoot a buck that has lost one side like the original question? It would be hard for me to do it. Just something about the antlers and having the whole package there in the end I guess. Recently had a discussion with a friend about a buck he was considering shooting that had lost both sides. The reason he was contemplating it was because he had been after him for many years, the buck is old. Can't recall offhand how old he had said. Anyways for him it would give him closure that he finally was able to do it, antlers or not. I guess you could hope to find the sheds after it was all said and done but my luck they'd be on the neighbors or I'd walk right past them 3 times and finally find them after the tree rats had their way with them. Pass in my book....regardless of age.


Senior Member
Constitution Ohio
Pass. I couldn't find a shed in my garage, let alone in the 100 acre wood...

I am the world's worst shed hunter...now arrowheads? That's a different story. I have stepped on sheds while searching for ancient artifacts.

I passed on my target buck last year because both G3s were broken 4-5 inches down so I know I would pass on a one sided buck. Keeping a tag in my pocket does not bother me.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sorry guys. I'd shoot him, eat him, and have a one-antlered skull cap hanging with the others in the garage.
that's just me


*Supporting Member*
I wouldn't even talk the bow off the hook if I see a deer with one side, just not my thing.