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Hunting the Hurricane(Buckslayer Edition)


*Supporting Member*
Jackson County


*Supporting Member*
Jackson County
I wont keep anyone waiting.

I went out last night with minimal hopes at least in seeing any deer. The winds were crazy, the rain was coming down, and I was debating on staying home. Dad told me to hunt out of an old barn on the property so I could escape the wind and rain. I was wearing a t-shirt, two thermals and my camo fleece as I headed in. It was barely spitting rain and the wind didnt seem TOO bad as I walked up to the barn. I stood by the door thinking to myself, "I should really get in a stand, I can handle this weather". An hour later, I was soaked and chilled to the bone. Wishing I had sat in the barn, I look up to see a small 8 with no brows standing in front of me as if he had popped up out of no where. He fed around for about ten minutes and suddenly snapped his head up and looked over the hill. A few seconds later he went back to feeding and I seen a tall rack deer heading my way. The larger buck was feeding facing me for a while when a large clump of snow dropped from above. As if thrown by the hunting gods he jumped and ended up quartering away at 15 yards. I drew on him, peep was full of water. I blew it out while at full draw and settled the pin. He mule kicked, trotted over the hill out of sight. There was a slushy two or three inches of snow on the ground and I seen good blood within feet of my arrow. I sneaked out the ridge and TOO the truck. I wanted to give him at least 30 minutes. I came back and followed the blood trail about 30 yards and seen him lying halfway down the hillside. He had gone 50-70 yards from where I had shot him. I made a great shot entering towards the back of the ribs and exiting the opposite front shoulder. I had always dreamed of harvesting a whitetail buck with my bow in the snow. Great night and I couldnt be more happy. I just want to thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for everything He has provided and for the opportunity to hunt all species of game.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Man card points have been removed for making us wait but posting on FB. You are going to have to petition Danmann to get those points back (story better be good) ;)


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
Great Buck Seth. I like the Chocolate Racks...Great tine length TOO! Congrat's on making the best of a nasty storm! You deserve it for being out!