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How to deal with dogs?


Columbus, OH
I have a problem recently with 2 dogs running free. They are coming from a neighboring property across the street. I have pics of them on all 3 of my cams on the property. So the are running all of the property I hunt. They sometimes see me and the bark in the middle of me hunting and are a pain in the ass. They are not friendly and bark aggressively. I have talked to the dog owners in a polite way and she didn't act like she cared that her dogs crossed the road or that it was messing up some of my hunts. How do you guys deal with situations like this? The same 2 dogs randomly get caught in snares on another property close by and that farmers brings them back to the lady.
I need advice please


Staff member
I have a policy for situations like this. If a dog has a collar and I can get it to come to me, I will attempt to call it to me and see who the owner is. If it has a collar and I can't identify the owner, it gets one free pass. If I know the dog, I tell the owner. If I don't know the dog and it doesn't have a collar, it only gets one free pass if it's not running deer.

If I've tried to get the owner to keep it home or the dog doesn't have a collar and is chasing deer, then we move to action summed up by the 3 S's. Shoot. Shovel. Shut up.

I've killed a few dogs in my day and will do it again when warranted. A dog that runs deer is no better than a coyote.


Columbus, OH
I agree about the coyote part. I don't know if I could shoot one though. Knowing it's someone's pet. Tuesday morning was the last time I seen them in person and I was in my treestand and they came to about 50 yds and was barking at me. I really thought about taking a shot and treating them like a coyote. But I just got done and chased them off and my hunt was done. I was pissed to say the least.


Junior Member
Tuscarawas Co
I say if you talked to the owner and she doesnt care i say call the dog warden. if they dont have tags they will take them in and she has to pay to get them out. If they have collars and she wont keep them off your property i agree with bowhunter1023 shot them and get rid of them. Just make sure you kill them on the spot so they arent running home with holes in them. That wouldnt be good.


Tatonka guide.
put them in the road ditch so it looks like they got hit on the road

Jason Short

Junior Member
Wayne County
You better make sure it dies on your property if you choose to shoot at it. Having it run home with a bullet hole in it could be a very bad situation for you
We have the same problem this year on our place down there. Come to find out they are my dad's neighbors dogs. We are planning to talk with them and explain the problems as well as explain to them that we are going to be trapping this year for coyotes and would hate to find one of their dogs in a snare or trap. If that doesn't help then I would say it would be time to call animal control.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Dogs have been a big issue for us this year. 3 boxers. I see them more than I see deer. I am not shooting anyone's pet just because they have undoubtedly run deer off the farm. I'd like to, I just don't have the heart to do it.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
In my mind a dog running loose is not someone's pet it's someone's problem. Plus it's your problem.
Our old GW told me to take care of the dog problem quietly. Dogs running deer are a problem. A dog parking at me on my property is a deadly problem.


Too soft to shoot a dog until I have exhausted every other possibly option and even then it would be tough to do.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort
The dog across from my property shows up on cam. He almost came in on Monday. I saw him near the entrance but a passing car got him back home. He was about to get the scare of his life.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Too soft to shoot a dog until I have exhausted every other possibly option and even then it would be tough to do.

Same here. I couldn't do it. Call to Game Warden or Dog Warden if neighbors won't do anything about it.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Same here. I couldn't do it. Call to Game Warden or Dog Warden if neighbors won't do anything about it.

Guess it depends on where you are at. A call to the Warden of any type in Morrow is a waste of time. As is the Sheriffs department unless it is life threatening.


Staff member
I killed a beagle in 2003 with an Easton 2117 and a Muzzy 3-blade. I'd seen it running deer 2 times and it did not have a collar. The third time I saw it running deer, it ran a monster 10 point to me; still the biggest deer I've ever seen while hunting and I'm almost certain he became the 167" 10 that now hangs on my dad's wall. The buck stopped behind a tree and was about to give me a shot when the dog came over the hill hot on his trail. The beagle stopped to smell the bucks tracks at 18 yards. We had an old red oak near our camp ground that had a hole in it about 7' off the ground. That dog went in there along with a few coons and several feral cats over the years. Never once felt bad about it. He was a stray dog that liked running deer. If I hadn't done it, someone else would have.


Columbus, OH
I will give the local dog catcher a try 1st. Shooting one will be a last resort. It think if I was in the same position BH1023 was in it was be a lot easier to shoot.