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When my buddy Jeff and I were young, his dad George had a real short Herter's recurve hanging with a boar he shot at Clark's range. I used to stare at both of them and try to picture myself shooting that boar with that bow. Once in awhile he would string it and let us fling a few arrows out of it. I do say fling because it was way too much bow for both of us. It wasn't long after that I got my first recurve. I traded a Jennings compound for a Ben Pearson bow. I've shot rabbits with it and a ton of fish, but that's about it. I still have the bow and shoot it from time to time. Over the years I've picked up a few more recurves including the Browning I bought my son a few years back. He decided around the age 13 that he would hunt traditional gear just like "uncle Jeff". He could shoot that bow really well, but he never had a chance to draw on a deer. At this point I have no intentions of going all traditional, but I will kill a deer with his bow someday.

Ok, done rambling now...


Dignitary Member
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Up Nort
I'm getting a new longbow after this season, maybe one made by Darryl Trimble.

I kind of ruined mine due to ignorance. No one told me to un-string it after each use. It has a bunch of follow, but still shoots well for me. Shooting that squirrel from 20 yards the other day was pretty cool. Killing a deer would be even better.


Senior Member
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Central Ohio
Curran, what is it you want to learn? I mean are you after equipment related stuff or hunting tactics or other?

Starting with the basic of traditional hunting & equipment then moving along from there. From what little stuff I've looked at "shooting the stick bow" looks like a book for everybody's library. Then "instinctive shooting" & "Hunting the hard way" all have good review. Just wondering what a good start for a beginner on the traditional stuff.

I'm sure I'll be buggin' Milo plenty TOO :smiley_coolpeace:
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Maybe a good question in regards to hunting with them is stands. Many of our stand setups for compounds are pretty high. Do you hang them a bit lower for trad shooting? Most of my setups are 17-25'.


Senior Member
Curran, those are all fine titles. I'm a reader, so I just don't think you can read too much. read everything you can, especially some of the old classics like "Hunting with the bow and arrow by" Saxton Pope. there are dozens of books to read that will teach you something.

more important than reading is doing. get with someone who has experience to help you along and get you started. come over to my shop, get with Eric or who ever. first order of business is to get a bow and some arrows together, tuned to shoot properly, and learn shooting basics if you don't already know them.

"Traditional Archery" by Sam Fadala, "Whitetail tactics with Longbow and Recurve" by Jim Hamm come to mind. G. Fred Asbell's books never did anything for me besides waste my time. Asbell is a douchebag, besides.

Hicks, I usually never get over 20', but usually never below 15'. depends on the situation, available trees, etc. problem is that getting up over 20' really sharpens the downward angle on close shots of 30 feet or less. Ideally, I'm shooting deer at 12-15 yards, but I've shot them at 5-6 yards which is just a little shy of straight down.


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That was my fear. I was worried about the angle. I will worry about this later. Gotta sling my first trad arrow before I worry about stands. lol


Junior Member
I hang stands with the canopy. I have been as low as 10 feet and as high as 30. I have a couple stands up to about 20 this year.


Senior Member
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Central Ohio
Thanks Jamie. Maybe I'll start up with Saxton Pope's book above, and work through the others over the next few months. Maybe in the meantime Milo can help my better half pick out a traditional Christmas present for me to start practicing with this winter. :smiley_bestfriends:
We met at cardinal once at cardinal, I'm also in central Ohio and have several traditional bows you can shoot. Both recurves and longbows and the proper arrows for all of them. I also have a few targets in the woods out back. Stop out any time and shoot all you want. I also have a collection of Kids bows so bring the kids along. Actually Toozer in central can stop in and shoot pretty much anytime just shoot me a PM

What I really think we should do if have a TOO day at the first OSTA shoot this spring. I could supply at least 3 guys with hunting weight equipment.

There is free camping and we can usually come up with some pretty food.



Senior Member
sure thing, Curran. heydeerman is local as well, and I'm sure he'd be willing to help you. it's his obligation as OSTA president to promote traditional archery. :smiley_clap:


Senior Member
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Central Ohio
Thanks Greg, I remember Cardinal well. That was fun little TOO get together last summer. I'm living up that way now so I'd love to get together and fling some arrows... I mean arrahs :D


Staff member
Mullskinner gifted me this long bow, then I later swapped with Hunter Hayes and got Mully's Ancient Spirits Kadiak recurve. I try to keep it real...



Dignitary Member
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Gods Country
Last year was my first time carrying a traditional bow in the woods for deer. I made a bad shot on a doe at Hoyt's place and didn't find her. The recurve I carried was my sons and it will mean the world to me to make a kill with it. So far this year I haven't had a chance to shoot, but I might get out with it before the year is over.

Dale you say the word and you know I'll have a stand with your name on it brother. I can pretty much guarantee you a opportunity to throw arrows at deer.