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how many?


Senior Member
rained out at work today, southwest wind bad for only hunt I could possibly do this afternoon. this forum needs some activity, badly.

so how many participants on this site hunt strictly with longbow or recurve during archery season? gotta be more than Thunderelitistflight, Lord Gibson and me.

how many have tried and don't like it or don't like it enough to retire the wheels?


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
I'm thinking about giving it a try next season Jamie. Not going to leave the wheels behind, but looking to play around with traditional gear a little bit.

Not to side track the thread, but I guess on that note, what's some good reading materials I should pick up over the winter months to educate myself?


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Used too hunt rabbits with an old fiberglass recurve and had success back then but my brother ruined me showing me his new Jennings back in the late 70's.... I have an old bear recurve down in the rafters in the basement that I keep eye balling and maybe one of these days lol ... I also have an old fiberglass arrow with a broad head down there next too it lol....

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Taylor hunts w a recurve as does Hunter Hayes. Hunter killed a doe the other day I think. I'm screwed, can't even pull my compounds now.


Staff member
Taylor is the only one I can think of. I've long had an admiration of and desire to shoot a stick bow. I'll get there some day, but it'll take a few more good bucks before I put much effort in it. Can't get over that fear of having to let the biggest buck of my life walk at 30 steps!


Senior Member
Curran, what is it you want to learn? I mean are you after equipment related stuff or hunting tactics or other?

hunting rabbits with bow and arrow is big fun. squirrels, too. dog prefers I use a rifle, though. :p


Senior Member
Taylor is the only one I can think of. I've long had an admiration of and desire to shoot a stick bow. I'll get there some day, but it'll take a few more good bucks before I put much effort in it. Can't get over that fear of having to let the biggest buck of my life walk at 30 steps!

I watched a 14 point at 40 steps two years ago. I just smiled. I've hunted with a recurve for 4 years now. Been lucky enough to kill 2 nice bucks with it and a handful of does. I wouldn't ever trade it for any other bow.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I watched a 14 point at 40 steps two years ago. I just smiled. I've hunted with a recurve for 4 years now. Been lucky enough to kill 2 nice bucks with it and a handful of does. I wouldn't ever trade it for any other bow.

Someday your opinion may change. :) I felt the same way a LONG time ago. I think now I prefer hunting with a 50 cal during archery season. :)


Senior Member
my old man hunts with em in early and late season but not the rut(poser lol) but he makes his own bows and shafts. He has a bunch of FBs that he's had since he was a kid and his dad has had for a while. But he likes to buy used ones on EBAY and refurbish em. He's gotten some real nice ones that people got in a will and didn't know what they were worth and were just trying to make a buck on em.

I shoot em far and few between and wanna get more active with em but it'll definitely be awhile before I hunt with em.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort
I started hunting with a 71" hickory longbow this year. I got my first kill, a squirrel, Saturday morning. That being said, the properties that have larger bucks on cam are hunted with my Horton.


Senior Member
Taylor is the only one I can think of. I've long had an admiration of and desire to shoot a stick bow. I'll get there some day, but it'll take a few more good bucks before I put much effort in it. Can't get over that fear of having to let the biggest buck of my life walk at 30 steps!

a few years ago I took my best buck with a bow. watched him two times at 40+. third time I saw him, on October 30, I rattled him in to 30 steps. a makeable shot for somebody who is a great shot with a bow, but not me. he didn't see the other deer making all that racket and was coming no closer, so I played it cool and let him be on his way. I just smiled. I killed him at 14 steps 5 days later. I smiled bigger. :smiley_blink: you don't need to be able to shoot 30 yards to get it done.


Staff member
I realize you don't have to shoot that far to get it done. The deer I shot last year walked past me at 45 yards in the AM and got stuck at 8 yards that afternoon. I can make the 45 yard shot with my bow, but he was on edge so I passed. The kill shot is one I can probably make with my recurve more often than not.

What happened to you is not really the norm in most places. You get one, two or more if your lucky, chances to kill most mature bucks. I work hard for one chance a year and I want to maximize my ability to seal the deal at that moment in time.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort
Why are we doing this again? Who cares. Kill deer with whatever legal weapon you are confident with. This thread is going to go south just like the last one.


Senior Member
agreed. it isn't the norm where I hunt, either. I work hard and sometimes don't get 1 chance at a buck I'm willing to shoot in a four month season, but I like to maximize recreation, so it's all good.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I got a trad bow coming my way from TF.
I wanna try it to see what all the fuss is about.
I get close to deer on the ground, so after I've practiced enough to be confident with it I'll give it a try. Probably next year.

But it won't make me a better person.