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hey buckrun......

Tree Monkey

NW ohio
Have you ever loaded for a .243???....I got some questions in regards to it. I thought maybe I could stop by your place (your in lima right)....and maybe have phil meet there too. Shoot the Shit and shot some shit


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Ryan- Sounds good. If not, Bowhunter57 reloads and is in Lima. Between the two of them, one of them should be able to hook you up. Dan (BH57) has been over a few times and has been very helpful in his suggestions for reloading. I haven't started yet, but really just need the bullets and powder to start. I think I have everything else. Just need to finish my man room which will be my reloading area.


Junior Member
I don't have dies for the .243. I have dies for .22 hornet. .223, .22-250, .221 Fireball, .25-06, .270, 45-70. I think I gave my 30-06 dies to my son. I also have a bunch of pistol dies.

What kind of questions do you have? I have a bunch of reloading manuals. That is something that you need ot have and keep up on. They change powder composition sometimes. That will change the safe min. and max load. One that comes to mind is 2400 Elmer Keith's favorite load was 22 gr. and his 240 gr. cast bullet. I think the max load for that bullet now is 20 gr. I would have to check to be sure. I always shot 18 gr. with my cast bullet.

I always try to use the manual that was put out by the bullet co. for the bullet I am using.

Ryan where are you located?

You are welcome to stop by.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I believe I have a 243 die. I am still playing with my 243 to get her dialed in just for factory rounds right now. I have fired it some, but it was put on the backburner when I needed to get the Omega dialed in. Now I will be back into 243 play mode so I can get after some yotes! We are all close enough that this could work out good. Steve can get Ryan and I a bit more dialed in with our 243's and we could help get Buckrun Steve after some yotes with us!!! I will do my best to help make your "2011: Year of the Hunter" goal accomplished!