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Drew blood


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Title sums it up. We saw coyotes on every stand tonight. Too bad the one sighting was up by the houses. We saw the direction they were heading so we hopped in the truck and relocated. Setup on a bend on the creek and had the yotes talking. I was able to squeeze off a round at a BIG coyote and made a hit. It was extremely dark, so this was pretty awesome! Unfortunately, the blood trail wasn't great and we had to quit tracking when they moved to a property we didn't have permission on. Oh well. If it isn't a dead yote, it is hurt decently. Need sleep and can't stand posting from my phone. Will update more later.


Senior Member
Hope its dead up its a varmint! Does ole Hank track coyotes too?

You were with dogs right? Shotty?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Ended up not taking their dogs. Never asked why they decided not to take them. Just used a FoxPro caller. I know I hit him as there was blood at the point of impact and you can see where it spun him. When he took off running he pissed himself in the first couple strides and there was a baby turd the size of your pinky nail about 30-40 yds down his exit path. This was a huge property to hunt, but they exited towards the one neighboring property a few hundred yards away. Oh well. As dark as it was, I was pretty pumped just to have hit him. No help from the moon and it was overcast. I should clarify, two of the stands were on this same property. We heard them across the road and drove around the corner to setup where we heard them. The third stand was a different property and I re-read what I wrote in my tired state of mind last night. We did NOT see any coyotes on that property. We saw either a fox, or a pair of fox. All three of us saw at least a single fox on that property. Good night for us. We all agreed it was the most active and best night of coyote hunting any of us had ever had. Looking forward to doing it again. Hopefully tomorrow night!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Not the 243. I am not confident yet in it's capabilities or whether or not I have the scope totally dialed in. I need to put more rounds through it first. I was using my trusty "bug out gun". It is in 223. With the scope I have on there, I can see things at night which I cannot make out with my naked eyes. The Leupold on the 243 is nice, but not sure yet what it's night time capabilities are. Plus my bug out gun has a light mounted on it as well.
I wish you all the best with the night hunts, for coyotes. :smiley_bril:

I've never had much luck at night, with coyotes. I've always called in too much in the way of "trash animals", like cats, deer, dogs, coons, etc. Guess, I've just never had the luck/skill that others have had with night calling.

Using a decoy, I prefer the daytime hunts, as I enjoy it more getting to see the coyote as it approaches, its' reactions, etc.

Good hunting, Bowhunter57