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DIY poison ivy relief


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I believe the key to using this method is more so in the drying part rather than the soap. Getting the oil off requires a "hard dry". Drying off aggressively with a towel and then catching said towel on fire. I'd also recommend showering in cold water instead of hot water as to not open skin pores. If you get into to ivy or oak heavily, I wouldn't put the towel in the wash. Might just be me, but I get that shit by looking at it.

When I was a child I would get it so bad that it would eat holes in the bottom of my feet and between my toes and fingers. I'm talking like quarter to silver dollar sized raw spots. I would scratch it in my sleep so much my finger tips would be bloody in the morning. Most summers it got to the point where mom would have to tape socks on my hands at night. Then they came out with this shot that you got twice a year. I got it for a couple years and the FDA pulled it. Today I can literally roll in the stuff and might get one tiny spot. Like a 50/50 chance of a mosquito bite sized spot.
I have used the Dawn dish soap for years and it does help but I've always still had problems. Whether it's like what Dave said about drying off or maybe using the same wash rag elsewhere IDK but I end up with spots that I know never touched poison ivy. Back of neck, groin, back of legs, etc.. Things that were covered. I have gotten to where I wash my hands and forearms with it before I even get in the shower, then wash everything else before going back over my forearms again. That seems to help some. This jewell weed was the cat's ass though because I knew I had it, had plenty of spots that showed up and boom them fuggers are gone.


Well-Known Member
Nw oh
Will it keep u amune if u dry and smoke it? Haha can't be worse than bleach or all the other horrorible cures out there.....


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Bump for y’all that got into chiggers last weekend. I treated mine Sunday night with the plant directly and forgot about them until I got a text.
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