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Deer of a lifetime


Junior Member



Staff member
I took the liberty of banning Mr. Luke for 7 days and will email him directly about his conduct. We cannot stop people from right clicking, then choosing "Save As" on your photos, we will stop any direct and blatant attempts to do it, especially in an instance where they are using material posted here to promote other sites. Do not let this derail the thread about this tremendous buck, but I did want to address it so all were aware.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
I took the liberty of banning Mr. Luke for 7 days and will email him directly about his conduct. We cannot stop people from right clicking, then choosing "Save As" on your photos, we will stop any direct and blatant attempts to do it, especially in an instance where they are using material posted here to promote other sites. Do not let this derail the thread about this tremendous buck, but I did want to address it so all were aware.
Good stuff, fugg that guy. Posting someone's pics on Facebook without their permission ain't cool at all.
I took the liberty of banning Mr. Luke for 7 days and will email him directly about his conduct. We cannot stop people from right clicking, then choosing "Save As" on your photos, we will stop any direct and blatant attempts to do it, especially in an instance where they are using material posted here to promote other sites. Do not let this derail the thread about this tremendous buck, but I did want to address it so all were aware.

Don't care for picture poachers, especially someone who's trying to set up a page just to do that. Now a pic that's floating all over the place I can understand but not from a private forum.