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Deer cape help


Junior Member
I just got the cape back from my buck and was wondering if you guys had any tips on preserving it until I take it to the taxidermist. I have it in a box inside my freezer right now. Thanks!


Staff member
How long until you go to the taxi?

Makes sure its good and dey, then seal it in a couple heavy duty contractor bags and it'll be good for a year or more.


Senior Member
Medina County
As dry as possible will be good. Maybe just pat it down with a towel or paper towel.

At least this will help kill off some ticks. My taxi always throws em in the freezer for a few days to kill them. Yours may even put it right into a freezer until he has time to work on it.


Junior Member
My wife picked the cape up for me while I was at work today. I guess the left the whole entire hide minus the legs on it. Just went and pulled it out of the freezer to dry it off but it is frozen to the box it's in. The neck skin isn't frozen at all from what I can feel when I lift the head up in the box since it's on top. Maybe I'll just take it to the taxi right away. Do you have to pay up front?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
Most will want some sort of a deposit. Mine likes 100.00 up front. You would be shocked to know how many people don't want to come get their stuff after its done.
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Senior Member
Supporting Member
Walbridge oh
Get everything in writing on how much you put down and what your final bill will be. The ones with rooms filled with stuff that didn't get picked up are the ones that dick the price around. Like getting quoted for 400$ or less for a coyote rug and then having the final bill being well over 600$!!! So yeah he can eat that sumbitch!!!

Mike R

*Supporting Member*
Most require a deposit.i have guys sign a contract that states everything from price, anything extra, tag # just about anything important. It gets signed by the customer and you get a copy.
Just keep it dry you would be suprised the guys that bring in deer that are soaking wet. The water promotes bacteria growth which is what causes the hair to fall out. Get it to him as soon as you can but it won't hurt it to keep it frozen for awhile.
These guys are spot on for all of it. For future reference my taxidermist told me to make sure I take the hide and wrap it over the forehead, between the antlers, and make sure fur is covering the nose as you wrap it under the head. That helps keep any freezer burn from hitting the nose, eyes, etc.. Then freeze it and it will keep for a long time. Really good for places that keep them frozen for a while until they get to them to finish skinning and fleshing.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
Do I take the hide and head to the taxi fresh out of the freezer? I'll be dropping it off around 1pm monday.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
Yep, take it in frozen. He'll deal with what you hand him. This way it will stay frozen until his schedule will allow him to skin it.