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Coon Huntin


Dignitary Member
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Just went up to the speedway ta get me a new can of dip..

Pull up in the parking lot and see this guy with a dog on a lead walking him around a bit.

I hopped out the truck and hollered at him "Nice walker ya got there" "You coon hunt?" came the reply... Ain't done it in years since moving to Ohio, but yeah I used ta run a dog or so.. Had me a couple Blacks (Black and tan coon hounds) I ran in the Delta of Mississippi.. You do a good bit of huntin? Son yes! I retired and I' hunt bout 4-5 times a week. I wear em out.. Bout hard to find someone ta hunt with anymore though.. Same Here I just ain't got the property to do it on up here in Ohio... Oh well hell I got permission on tons of property for 3 counties. More than I can hunt twice in a year. I got permission all over.

We'll buddy if ya ever find yerself wanting to get at it and can't shake up a buddy, give me a call I'd love nothing more than to get out and listen to some dogs. It's been ages since I sat in the dark and listened to a dog running a hot trail... Well fo sure buddy, fo sure. I'll call ya..

So we swapped numbers and addresses.... :smiley_bril:

I CANT WAIT! Son! It's been ages since i was standing in the dark around the truck, drinking coffee, and listen to a dog bawlin on the trail of a coon.. Bring back some memories of my youth... We didn't have a bunch of deer growing up and coon huntin was the thing..

I'm excited.. Can ya tell.... Fuggggggggin A! :smiley_bird::smiley_bird::smiley_banana::smiley_banana::smiley_boogie::smiley_clap::smiley_cheer::smiley_champ:


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
I'm excited.. Can ya tell.... Fuggggggggin A! :smiley_bird::smiley_bird::smiley_banana::smiley_banana::smiley_boogie::smiley_clap::smiley_cheer::smiley_champ:

Ya know, I really couldn't tell until I saw the Ray Charles Dancin' Smiley. :smiley_boogie:
Never been Coon huntin'. Too afraid of the dark and being stuck in the woods with a bunch of dudes in the dark. Picture Rand in a speedo with a lit cigarette hangin' out of his mouth for a headlamp, loaded shotgun in his hand, asking you to squeal like a pig... :smiley_bestfriends:


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Ya know, I really couldn't tell until I saw the Ray Charles Dancin' Smiley. :smiley_boogie:
Never been Coon huntin'. Too afraid of the dark and being stuck in the woods with a bunch of dudes in the dark. Picture Rand in a speedo with a lit cigarette hangin' out of his mouth for a headlamp, loaded shotgun in his hand, asking you to squeal like a pig... :smiley_bestfriends:

Don't have to picture it..... Sad to say I've seen it... :smiley_armscrossed: And if you think it couldn't get worse.. It can... Much worse... Randy doesn't shock me anymore. :smiley_crocodile:


Senior Member
Always wanted to try it. There's a fella that runs a dog or two at home who's daughter I was friends with (it wouldn't NOT be worth dating the daughter to get those hunting privileges!)

Of course, the redneck golf club bud light spotlight .22 club has regular meetings in MoCo


Dignitary Member
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He just called and asked if i wanted to come over and look at some of his pictures and trophies. Apparently he won nationals in 89 and state in 90... I asked him why he wasn't at Kenton this weekend. "Bahhhh Them fucks.. Bunch a drunks and lying hounds. I got a 7yo bitch walker out there that'll whip any of em. " LOL..


Dignitary Member
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Good to hear Joe. Hope it works out for you to hunt with him.

We're running the dogs tonight. Meeting him at 8:30.... I went over to his place yesterday.. He asked if i wanted to see some pictures. We went in the back room and he had a whole wall full of Framed pictures of dog after dog.. Ribbons, medals, trophies, plaques all over the place. UKC Grand Night, AKC Night Champion, various night plaques, and two world champion trophies. Needles to say my jaw hit the floor...

We sat and jibbered for a couple hours talking about everything under the sun.. He asked why i never got back into coon hunting.. I told him i moved to Ohio six years ago and never had the property. He said.. I wouldn't worry about that I got permission on more property than i can hunt in a year... We'll get out there and do some coon hunting... Shouldn't be trouble to get you in on some property that most deer hunters can only drive by and drool.... I can tell ya where there are some monster bucks hiding out.. See em all the time coon hunting.. He started telling me some of the properties he hunts... He wasn't kidding, they are a MECCA for big deer.

Fuggin A! :smiley_bril:

Only problem is he reminds me of a spitting image of Coonie... TALKATIVE. Except he isn't half nuts like coon..


Dignitary Member
Staff member
oh man, cant be that bad....LOL

I can deal with his constant jabber to hunt some top coon dogs.. Better than this one old boy i hunted with when in Ms when i was younger.. He was Cajun, had a hair lip, and dipped skoal... He was talkative too, and It took me years to understand him... And for me to say someone is talkative that's saying something...

But to be honest there is nothing better that standing around the truck in the dark, swapping stories, then hear one of them chop mouth Walkers open up on a trail and tree a big coon.. Music! I'm not kidding boys It'll almost make ya quit deer hunting.. Almost... LOL... And to top it off he's more than a foot in the door for properties, he's the key to the fuggin city!


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
thats pretty badaass dude that you could possible get some serious property too.....but good luck on dealing with him. You get along with these guys so you got a strong will hahahahahaha

cajun, hair lip, and dipped hahahahahaa sound like the guy on joe dirt?

Guy likes to see homos naked...dont do me no good..


Dignitary Member
Staff member
thats pretty badaass dude that you could possible get some serious property too.....but good luck on dealing with him. You get along with these guys so you got a strong will hahahahahaha

cajun, hair lip, and dipped hahahahahaa sound like the guy on joe dirt?

Guy likes to see homos naked...dont do me no good..

The funny thing about that part of the movie was, I didn't get the joke... I understood the cajun just fine.. He said "Home is where ya make it" It wasn't until Adam Sandler said "You like to see homos naked? " That i got it.. LOL


Dignitary Member
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So last night's hunt

My new buddy had told me before he doesn't hunt trash dogs.. He said he won't put a dog like that in his kennel, and if he ended up with one like that...... Well... It wouldn't be the first one he's shot...

Let me tell yall something.. I've seen some good dogs in my early days.. Seen some trash too. That Walker Treeing Hound he dropped out of the box last night was BY FAR the best fuckin dog I've ever seen hunt... And that's saying something coming from a guy who grew up in Ms where we have cemeteries for coondogs only..

First tree.
We pull off down a farm road along some corn and about a 100 acre section of woods. Get on our lights, and gear.. Ben the hound is banging on the door of the box, and sticking his paw out wanting out..

I opened the door and he poked his head out so i could snap his lead.. Led him over to the edge of the woods and talked him up while holding the snap and patting his shoulder.. Snap went the lead, and off went Ben..

I turned around and snapped the lead over one shoulder across my chest, leaned against the truck and looked up at the stars.. After 2 minutes I reached for my can of redman and Ben Struck trail... BOOOOOOOO... (5 seconds later) BOOOOOOOOOO... Then he treed.. Ben was hammering with every breath.. BOOGH, BOOGH, BOOGH, BOOGH...
We flipped on the headlights and off we went.. Ben had treed not 100 yards from the truck!

When we got to the tree, Ben was standing tall and hammering the treetops.. Loud enough it almost hurts your ears.. We shined and shined and couldn't find that coon in the thick tree... After about 20 minutes We decided to move on.. Ben however, still hammering wasn't ready to go.. As soon as i got the lead Ben who was standing on his hind legs against the tree, started going around the other side of the tree so I couldn't snap it on.. I finally got him by the collar and Snapped his lead on.... It took all I could do to pull that dog off tree.. He drug me back to tree 4-5 times.. He knew it wasn't over... And I could tell he wan't lying.. A lying dog will not work a tree that hard after the lead is snapped.. He'll break tree and want to go back to the truck.. But Ben was wanting that Coon... I finally broke him off and we started the walk to the truck.. Ben stayed in my footsteps the entire time and never pulled the lead again.. He boxed up by himself with no problems...

2nd tree was much like the first.. Ben Struck not 50 yards from the truck... BOOOOOOOOO..................BOOOOOOOOOOO.. Then treed just hammering.. This coon however chose a crap tree and was on a lower limb.. It took us about 10 minutes to find him out on a limb... Ben saw him too in the light... He would run over off the tree, Look up, and jump about 5 feet in the air like he wanted to jump up to that limb 60 feet up and grab that coon.. George would yell.. GET BACK TREED BEN.. Ben would instantly go back to the tree.. This happened 4-5 times...

Finally the coon got tired and decided he was in a shit tree.. The dumb thing decided to make a break for it and bailed... Bad mistake... Ben was waiting.. I've seen dogs nip at coons, bite them and throw them a little, but release the coon as fast as they grab him... NOT BEN... The coon was on it's back when it realised ben was so close.. Had it's feet up mouth open.. Ben hit him right in the chest first bite.. The coon had a mouth full of Ben's ear and and Ben was shaking that coon HARD... Both the Ben and the coon growling.. He then quit shaking and just pinned him back down biting him, that coon was deader than a door nail.. OOps.. It's legal to run dogs out of season as long as you don't carry a gun it isn't hunting... Who would have thought that coon was suicidal though... That coon didn't live more that 2 seconds after it hit the ground...

My buddy said go ahead and take the coon from him... I laughed and said "I ain't taking shit from that dog.." LOL He walked over and Ben wouldn't give it up.. Not aggressive towards him, it's just Ben wasn't finished with his whippin.. He picked him up by his collar standing him on his hind legs. The coon was still in Ben's mouth.. He blew hard into Ben's ear and he dropped the coon. Back to the truck we went on an easy walk, with Ben once again never pulling the lead and following in my tracks.. A dog that follows your track is desirable so he isn't going right of trees when you went left.

It was only 11:45.. We drove around until 1 and he showed me all the places he has written permission to hunt.. I quit counting at 27 properties. After every property he would say, "we'll come back up here and talk to the old lady, i'm sure we can get you in there for deer hunting no problem.. I was so happy inside I was about to :smiley_cry:

But truth be told..... Hunting behind Ben will make any hunter leave the bow on the hook in the garage.. I can tell you now, come Coon season it's going to be hard to call myself a deer hunter.. I say that now, but it could change when i set foot on these properties and locate old mossy horns.. Might be a deer hunter by day, coon hunter at night, Sleep be damned...

PS.. Did I mention I love being single again... :smiley_bril:


Dignitary Member
Staff member
SWEEET, Sounds like it was a cool night to be out there. That guy seems like he has trained a good dog.

A bunch of em over the years... He has framed picture after picture in his house of dogs he's trained over the past 50 years.. Along with their awards.. Even two UKC World Champion coon dogs, and two Best Ohio coondogs... He was a breeder and trainer.. He once traded a dog for a brand new 73 SS Camaro... Should tell ya something lol

I was flattened by how fast Ben Treed...He would say, I don't hunt that junk that'll run out there 3, 4, 500 yards before treeing.. You can't tell me there isn't a coon between me and them.. I'm too old for that crap... He said he would hunt with others and leave Ben in the box... Their dogs would run out and get treed way out there... He would drop Ben out the box and he would tree within 5 minutes and always way closer... He would say "I can't stand a straight line dog".. I want him zig zagging and working that timber foot by foot.