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Cold Feet


Senior Member
How many of you get cold feet on stand? I do and I'm a sissy about it. I have been seeing the "Hot Mocs" commercial and was wondering if they really work? I think this year I need to try antiperspirant on my feet and maybe a change of socks once I get there.


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
I'm with you dude. I am also a cold footed puss. My feet sweat like crazy and it kills me. I have to use the anti-perspirant and change socks when it gets below 40. I also buy the peel and stick foot warmers. My feet always get cold and it drives me nuts. Nothing has ever worked but going through the whole process of putting on warm boots, spray my feet, change socks at my tree and put in warmers. Sucks...
lol. you sisys .. just kiddin , there is no way i can set under 30 deg, and keep my feet warm . i have a pair of electric socks that works . but then my top stays warm and the bottom of my feet freeze . i just cant win .


Senior Member
I got a pair of electric socks for Christmas. It seems to me that lace up boots might keep me warmer than my lacrosse boots because of less heat escaping through the top. Maybe I need to toughen up:smiley_cry:


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
I got a pair of electric socks for Christmas. It seems to me that lace up boots might keep me warmer than my lacrosse boots because of less heat escaping through the top. Maybe I need to toughen up:smiley_cry:

Nah, dude. It happens. I don't have good circulation period. I have to stand if I want to stay warm. Having long legs and big feet, makes for getting cold feet quick. I can tough it out, but it sucks to fight...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I've tried just about everything there is to try and have never had any luck preventing cold feet and toes. I've just come to terms with it and accepted it. I stand up about 50% of the time that I'm in a tree, and that seems to help with circulation, but cold toes are just a part of the game IMO.


Senior Member
Other than good socks and good boots, I've always found that a hand warmed placed on the inside of your ankle helps - rather than just heating your feet it gets the blood warm on that end of your body.


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
Ill give you guys the best advice i got. Its kind of a pain in the ass but, change your socks.

Bring an extra pair with you. Take the ones you walk to the stand in off when you get settled in and put dry ones on. It works.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
I have tried many things too. The best I have found is the hand/foot warmers that react w/ air. I have bought winter boots that are a little big. I put on a extra pair of socks to get to the stand. w/in 30-60 min. my feet start to get cold... I remove the extra pair of socks and drop a foot warmer in each toe of the boots. they even make socks that have a pocket over the toes to keep the warmer in place. The foot warmers ( as apposed to hand warmers) are designed to work on less oxygen although the hand warmers will work in a pinch.
They will keep my feet warm for 4-8 hours depending on the brand. CAUTION; I have found my feet stay very comfortable when sitting but if I start to walk it works like a bellows and over-heats my feet. If you just crack open a pair and they are good for say 6 hours but you only used em for 2, place them in a zip lock baggie, squeeze out the air and they will cool down once the oxygen is burned up. when you go out again just open and shake. Usually they will heat back up. I love em cause they don't have a oder (that I can tell)

I have also use a tube type hand muffler (camo) that you can put 1 or 2 in and then keep your hands into. I'll keep my gloves in there and sometimes I'll put a P & J sandwich (in the zip lock) a hour before so it warms up too. lol


Senior Member
I also think that the platform really makes your feet cold. Next time you climb up into your stand. see how cold it is. It seems to be warmer If you keep your feet off the platform for me.


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
Two good points. Yes, the stand will add to cold feet because the metal is a good conductor of cold. And having your feet constricted in too many socks or boots that are to small, will add to the struggle of keeping warm feet. I think most of us battle with cold feet. It's almost natural...


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
Just picked up some Irish Setter Rutmaster 1,200 gram boots at Dunhams. My Muck Wetlands and Lacrosse Alpha Burly Lites are torn up and no longer waterproof. I get two years out of boots if I'm lucky. Neither the Mucks or the Lacrosses were all that warm. Hope these Irish Setters are a little warmer.


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Coonie don't never have no problems keeping warm. Him a fine figure of a man. Him a super human being.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
I am sorry but I think the hotmocs are a little chessy. JMO There is one major problem that I see with them on the results that you would get.

Lets look at simple physics for a minute. Heat natural rises as cooler air falls. With the warmer in the top of the hotmoc it is fighting a losing battle and the majority if the heat is going to be going through the top of the hotmoc and not down through your boot. The only way I see how this could work is if there is some type of reflective material to reflect the heat back down to the boot, but even then it has to make it back through the warmer and the other layer of material before it even starts to penetrate the boot. Also our boots are insulated to try and keep the warm air in and the cold air out. I have yet to know of an insulation that is designed to allow warm air in and keep cold air out.. The only real advantage that I can see is that it will keep the outside of the boot warmer, hence possibly keeping your foot warmer.

Waste of warmers and money if you ask me.

Just my 2 cents.


The Happy Hunting Grounds Beyond
Supporting Member
Ashtabula, Ohio
Buy your self a pair of "Mickey Mouse" boots. The military uses them, I use them and only wear a pair of cotten socks and my feet stay warm as heck. I use them ice fishing as well.

Number Product Price
080101 Extreme Cold Temperature Boots, Unissued
(Black) Also known in the military as Mickey Mouse boots. Field tested and proven to keep your feet toasty in temperatures as low as -20º F ... 69.00