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Senior Member
However blaming others for not attending church seems a liittle disingenuous to me.

Jesse, You could always attend and try to change that or perhaps with given time and involvement your perception will change. I would think the latter. Sounds like Charles has found a good path.

Tough topic we all deal with, Isn't it?


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
Being part of a church is a little like being on an Internet forum. Most of us know that not all forums are alike, they each have a personality. If a church doesn't fit your needs look around you just might find one that does.

Maybe Joe and Jesse could start a church, i bet no one would sleep through Joe's sermonsrotflmao


Staff member
No, I have not but if you attend church for the people maybe you should rethink the meaning of church.

I think you missed the point of what I was trying to convey about my church experiences. I do not attend church for the people, but rather to have the extra moment of connection I do not get elsewhere. However church is comprised of people and if you seek fellowship, then you must deal with people. In my experiences in various churches over the years, the people were the worst part of the church. My avoidance of church is somewhat founded in these experiences, but it is by no means the sole reason. In no way am I attending church to be with people other than my family...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort
Both of my parents came from Ukrainian, Eastern Rite (Greek or Byzantine) Catholic families. We attended church almost every Sunday and I thought it was a boring but beautiful mass. It's similar to the Roman Catholic mass that I attend, on occasion, now. Both of my boys are in CCD and will be in there until 8th grade when they are confirmed. I was confirmed at baptism so I am not very educated on the bible. I tried reading the bible a few different times, but I find it to be a hard read. I have a lot of issues with the Catholic Church now. How much of my money is going to fight lawsuits for pedophiles? I think there was a time in my life when I was agnostic. I am a true believer now for many different reasons. Oh, priests in the Eastern Rite Church can get married.:smiley_coolpeace:


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
There is loads of really good advice here. Bottom line is people are screwed up individuals and no matter how right we think we are when it comes to "religion" we are way off the mark. The bottom line is that religion was and always will be created by man not God. Therefore man being flawed means religion will be flawed, and sometimes to extremes. Now saying that my family and I are very faithful in our attendance to our church. I would have a hard time not attending on a regular basis. There is a few key things that I hold strong to.

1. Its not about religion its about relationship.
2. The goal is to be as Christ like as possable. VERY VERY VERY HARD TO DO! But if you read the bible Christ did spend his time ministering and serving people. That is why I like our church. We are constantly doing projects in the community.
3. Denomination is simply a pretty word for devision in Christianity. If you believe in a certain denomination that is fine but it should in no way shape or form judge, degrade, or belittle any other denomination.
4. To touch on a little bit of what Charles spoke on. There are relationships that I have developed with a few other men in my church that have impacted my life and the life of my family beyond words. I can go to these men and talk about ANYTHING and get good advice and not be judged. Thats what church is really about to me.

Hope this helps Red, and best of luck.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort
There is loads of really good advice here. Bottom line is people are screwed up individuals and no matter how right we think we are when it comes to "religion" we are way off the mark. The bottom line is that religion was and always will be created by man not God. Therefore man being flawed means religion will be flawed, and sometimes to extremes. Now saying that my family and I are very faithful in our attendance to our church. I would have a hard time not attending on a regular basis. There is a few key things that I hold strong to.

1. Its not about religion its about relationship.
2. The goal is to be as Christ like as possable. VERY VERY VERY HARD TO DO! But if you read the bible Christ did spend his time ministering and serving people. That is why I like our church. We are constantly doing projects in the community.
3. Denomination is simply a pretty word for devision in Christianity. If you believe in a certain denomination that is fine but it should in no way shape or form judge, degrade, or belittle any other denomination.
4. To touch on a little bit of what Charles spoke on. There are relationships that I have developed with a few other men in my church that have impacted my life and the life of my family beyond words. I can go to these men and talk about ANYTHING and get good advice and not be judged. Thats what church is really about to me.

Hope this helps Red, and best of luck.

Good stuff.

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member

I guess I will add this in here. I could say volumes about the church, but I won't. Still looking and still working that one out myself.

I will say that with the advent of snow season this year, I started shoveling out a lady's driveway who has a tumor, is alone, and is in her mid-60's. She pays me here and there, but it's not a lot and I always talk her down (I snuck over at night to do the driveway, I'll do separate purchases at Home Depot to give her a recipt but I actually have a one for a much bigger amount tucked in my pocket, etc). It's one of the most fulfilling things that I've been doing - and there are a lot of things I could be doing instead. But, I always think about "helping widows, orphans, and those in need" and I always leave with a smile.
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Dignitary Member
Staff member
There is loads of really good advice here. Bottom line is people are screwed up individuals and no matter how right we think we are when it comes to "religion" we are way off the mark. The bottom line is that religion was and always will be created by man not God. Therefore man being flawed means religion will be flawed, and sometimes to extremes. Now saying that my family and I are very faithful in our attendance to our church. I would have a hard time not attending on a regular basis. There is a few key things that I hold strong to.

1. Its not about religion its about relationship.
2. The goal is to be as Christ like as possable. VERY VERY VERY HARD TO DO! But if you read the bible Christ did spend his time ministering and serving people. That is why I like our church. We are constantly doing projects in the community.
3. Denomination is simply a pretty word for devision in Christianity. If you believe in a certain denomination that is fine but it should in no way shape or form judge, degrade, or belittle any other denomination.
4. To touch on a little bit of what Charles spoke on. There are relationships that I have developed with a few other men in my church that have impacted my life and the life of my family beyond words. I can go to these men and talk about ANYTHING and get good advice and not be judged. Thats what church is really about to me.

Hope this helps Red, and best of luck.

Great advice. I guess where I struggle is I can do all of those things without a church. I can remove wicked people from my life and surroundings far easier than I can a church. To me. Finding those people and doing those deeds are actually much easier than having to deal with the riffraff of churches. Those people IMO are a diamond in a mountain of coal in churches.


Senior Member
South Eastern Ohio
In our church, we call the people"the church". It's not a building,sanctuary or a religion. Hoyt hit it on the head!
I will say this, that taking your family to church, teaches your kids the truth and the way. Along with building character and establishing morals and a humble heart.


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
There is loads of really good advice here. Bottom line is people are screwed up individuals and no matter how right we think we are when it comes to "religion" we are way off the mark. The bottom line is that religion was and always will be created by man not God. Therefore man being flawed means religion will be flawed, and sometimes to extremes. Now saying that my family and I are very faithful in our attendance to our church. I would have a hard time not attending on a regular basis. There is a few key things that I hold strong to.

1. Its not about religion its about relationship.
2. The goal is to be as Christ like as possable. VERY VERY VERY HARD TO DO! But if you read the bible Christ did spend his time ministering and serving people. That is why I like our church. We are constantly doing projects in the community.
3. Denomination is simply a pretty word for devision in Christianity. If you believe in a certain denomination that is fine but it should in no way shape or form judge, degrade, or belittle any other denomination.
4. To touch on a little bit of what Charles spoke on. There are relationships that I have developed with a few other men in my church that have impacted my life and the life of my family beyond words. I can go to these men and talk about ANYTHING and get good advice and not be judged. Thats what church is really about to me.

Hope this helps Red, and best of luck.

Good stuff dude, that's how my friendship is with dale. He's really been a great influence and helped me figure out questions I had, and that you can be a Christian and be cool/ fun at the same time.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Great advice. I guess where I struggle is I can do all of those things without a church. I can remove wicked people from my life and surroundings far easier than I can a church. To me. Finding those people and doing those deeds are actually much easier than having to deal with the riffraff of churches. Those people IMO are a diamond in a mountain of coal in churches.

I find the opposite true for part of this. I find much "better" people in church than out percentage wise. Sure douchebags are everywhere. But on average I will take church folk...at least they are trying.

Having a congregation for us to draw upon makes us all "stronger". Kinda like here...there is not much that this group cannot accomplish as a whole if it needed to get done. If we were to be apart we would not be as individually strong, supported, capable or as interested more than likely.

Having the church makes it easier to get through tough times speaking to those have been through it. As a collective (the whole congregation) we have more resources to accomplish larger tasks. And their are things I will discuss with some of the men at our church I would never speak to family about.

I see how much our church helps out the community and we have open fiscals so it is not hidden....I see some of the before mentioned and it reminds me of some of the churches I had attended before and why I moved on. A lot of you guys that believe but don't attend I encourage you to shop some churches. Some of the non-denominational churches have really brought some more into the fold and are much more casual but will still assist you in you walk.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Each of those church folk are outside of church too. Along with those of us who do not attend church. Outside I can stay away from the idiots. In church I still have to deal with them. As for the ones who are trying. Sometimes they are the worst. They think because they're trying they're somehow better. What most churches need IMO is humility. There may be a higher ratio of good ones in church but its not worth dealing with the other holier than thou, snobs, charlatans, and two faced ones.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Each of those church folk are outside of church too. Along with those of us who do not attend church. Outside I can stay away from the idiots. In church I still have to deal with them. As for the ones who are trying. Sometimes they are the worst. They think because they're trying they're somehow better. What most churches need IMO is humility. There may be a higher ratio of good ones in church but its not worth dealing with the other holier than thou, snobs, charlatans, and two faced ones.

Man, I don't know what churches you have been going to but that is a VERY small minority in any ones in my community. I have been to them all except the Catholic one down the road. Haven't even had that vibe, at all. Maybe it is a community thing?


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Man, I don't know what churches you have been going to but that is a VERY small minority in any ones in my community. I have been to them all except the Catholic one down the road. Haven't even had that vibe, at all. Maybe it is a community thing?

Perhaps. I've been to plenty in my time. Baptist, Pentecostal, Methodist and even non denominational. Earlier I said I hadn't darkened the door of a church in over 14 years. Come to think of it that's not true. I should have said "with honest intent" I attended a Mormon church for over a year simply because their complete and utter faith in an easily refutable religion fascinated me. I attended every Sunday, had the missionaries over once or twice a week to talk the bible. All the while knowing I would never believe it. It was just fascinating to me how they could be so suckered. I will say though that of all the churches I have ever attended the Mormon faith had by far the greatest number of genuinely good people. Nicest people you will ever meet, and ones that "Christians" could learn a lot from. Despite how blindly wrong they are. Lol.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Perhaps. I've been to plenty in my time. Baptist, Pentecostal, Methodist and even non denominational. Earlier I said I hadn't darkened the door of a church in over 14 years. Come to think of it that's not true. I should have said "with honest intent" I attended a Mormon church for over a year simply because their complete and utter faith in an easily refutable religion fascinated me. I attended every Sunday, had the missionaries over once or twice a week to talk the bible. All the while knowing I would never believe it. It was just fascinating to me how they could be so suckered. I will say though that of all the churches I have ever attended the Mormon faith had by far the greatest number of genuinely good people. Nicest people you will ever meet, and ones that "Christians" could learn a lot from. Despite how blindly wrong they are. Lol.

Have you seen this?
