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ChuckC's Big Holla Hunting Journal 2013-14

Figured this was the best place to update you all on how the food plots turned out down there in Ohio. This last weekend we were down checking things over and I took a few pics to share. The first pic is from the treestand at the sanctuary food plot. The actual sanctuary is just to the right and the lower end can be seen by the end of the sorghum in the far background. This plot is the clover with sorghum surrounding it on most sides. We have a few openings that deer can use to get into the little secluded spot. Been sitting at my desk just looking at that picture thinking about my first sit there for the season!!

The next few pics are of the switch grass and sorghum we planted on the southern end of the sanctuary. Basically where I am at taking the pictures is the S border of it looking North. The first picture is of one variety of switch grass, to the left of the sorghum and furthest to the West.

Here you can see the sorghum and the row of beans that got annihilated this year. Yes, the weeds took over the bean section pretty good.

The last row is another variety of switch grass which is the furthest East row. All of these are in sight from the sanctuary food plot stand.

Here is the old saw food plot. It's all clover and has had it's share of weeds this year but the last mowing did it real good. Mostly clover now with a few sprigs of sorghum that we tried planting for a small screen. My buddy Ed is on the left right in front of the ladder stand.

Oh and here are the beans on the field next to the old saw food plot.



You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Your hunt area and plots look great Chuck! Hope the extra labor and prep pays you back with a slob of a deer this season. Wasn't that stretch of weather during your trip the best?!?!?!? I could use another month of perfect weather like that! Lol
Well my buddy was down there to hunt our farm for a few days and didn't have much action. Seemed with the heat they didn't move til last light and of course with the beans still being pretty green they were a long way's away from where he was. Mornings produce not a single deer sighting. Guess we got some real good trail cam pics though and I'm pretty excited to take a look at those.
I hear you there on the warm weather. Hope to get my son out for his first 'bowhunt' with the crossbow tomorrow up here in Michigan. The weather is the big factor, looking like a chance of t-storms so hopefully that doesn't happen. Think there is no way around the hot weather though.
Back at it tomorrow afternoon with Allen. He is really looking forward to it as he's been talking about the spike that gave him the slip last weekend. Also picked up a Hunter's Safety System Lil Stalker safety harness this week for him so he's stoked!! Glad to see him get excited about going hunting this year!
Boy, last night was a cold and wet one!! My daughter Jenna, son Allen and I all made it up to the farm in the thumb of Michigan to hunt for the evening yesterday. The forecast was for a chance of rain and wind, temps in the 40's. Well dad packed what he thought we all needed to have an enjoyable evening and we quickly found out we needed a couple extra layers. Jenna hunted with me from the same buddy stand Allen shot his buck from a couple weeks ago and Allen went with my buddy Ed over to a different property where there was a winter wheat field that he had a pop-up blind on. Jenna and I got a bit wet from the chance of rain that turned into a downpour, luckily I brought my stand umbrella to keep some of the rain off of us. Too bad we were wet from the waist down due to the wind. She toughed it out though and we did see several deer, including a button buck and spike that were within 20 yards. She decided to pass on them in hopes for a bigger buck or a doe. Allen had a shot at a big doe while with Ed but it was a clean miss for him. Said he was shaking pretty badly partly from the cold but also because of the deer....yep he's got the hunting bug!! LOL

Here are a couple pics of Jenna and my sit for the evening. Colors in the back ground are going quickly, especially with that rain and wind.