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CCW handguns to check out?

depends on on what am doing
every day carry colt agent 38spl on my hip or cz52 in a shoulder holster.
riding my 4x4 or out in the woods i carry a 15rd taurus 99 in 9mm(all metal) or strap on my ruger blackhawk 44mag
i used 2 carry a mil pro 40cal,it was my 1st ccw, i've carried a ruger p89 9mm,a watlher#6 25cal an i had a judge 4 about 2weeks

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
Ruger sp101 is a good revolver carry. Dad has one in 9mm and carries it most if the time...

Once I have a smaller unit for pocket carry, this will be my next in line as far as handgun purchases go. My BIL has one and I absolutely love this gun!


Senior Member
Hudson, OH
Ended up getting a S&W M&P 9mm compact.

Really liked how it fit in my hand. Next steps are ccw class and holster purchase(s).

Put 50 rounds through it last night and am real happy with it.


Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Congrats on your purchase Ryan! Now don't take your foot off and post it on FB.

Enjoy your new security piece!
Nice purchase. Would you mind posting the height and width of this pistol. S&W doesn't list it on their site. I'm looking for a CCW for my GF. I get a $50 rebate on all S&W pistols and the pricing on these models is already pretty good to begin with. Ive always liked the M&P.
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Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Smith is coming out with a single stack version 9mm tomorrow. The XD is available in a single stack 45 and 9 coming soon if size is an issue for you TL. I will be getting the XDS 9mm when it comes out.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
I LOVE my Kahrs but like the passive safeties of the XD line. I really don't need to put another hole in my ass! I will not carry a gun where I have to disengage a safety manually though. Point and shoot for me. Safety guns are for range work for me.
That Shield looks awesome...wonder how the slimmed version shoots

IDK. I just watched a few youtube videos and I'm very interested for both myself and Jessie. I'm going to try to shoot one this week. The glock 26 is nice but I'll take a slimmer pistol for the loss of 2 rounds. I'll probably end up own 1 if not 2 of these pistols.
Here is a decent video of a conparison of the shield, walther pps and glock 26.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
Nice seeing all the good things said about the M&P 9 mm. I have one in the safe that's never been out of the box. Won it at Deerassic ~~ I need to get it out and shoot it sometime.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I have carried a Taurus Millennium Pro in 45 for years. Pt145ssp.. Hammerless, and very compact.

22 oz
5.125 high
6.125 long
1.25 wide
Barrel 3.25 inches

And somehow they managed to fit 10+1 of 45 acp in that little bugger.

It has a safety and I don't mind it. I like the option of having it. Up is safe. Down is fire. And when it's down it fits the frame and doesn't snag. I don't carry with the safety engaged. It goes on my hip in position and the safety gets disengaged. Before taking it off I engage the safety. The holster is a bianchi minimalist and covers the trigger guard completely. The safety on or off just makes me feel better when taking it on and off.