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Breaking news: Frog escapes death TWICE in one night!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Hot off the presses, this is crazy. Only thing missing was a video camera. My son, Garrett, has a pet frog. He has one of those habitats with a red bellied tree frog. Not sure how, but the frog managed to get himself squeezed between the inside habitat and the plastic surrounding his little habitat. My wife is freaking out so I rush into his room to see this dilemma.

Being the problem solver of the family, naturally, I came up with a solution. I carried the habitat into the bathroom. Very small bathroom I might add. Soon there were two adults trying to disassemble a habitat in a tiny bathroom with 3 hysterical children squealing and trying to tell us how to do it scurrying around this tiny bathroom in between us. I look at the tub thinking "Plenty of room there, but the kids have displaced the stopper somewhere." So I look at the sink thinking "Oh boy. Where in the world is the stopper for the pedestal sink?" Well, I took my chances at the sink figuring I can cover the hole for the drain with the habitat.

After much careful surgery to remove the habitat cover while avoiding squashing the frog, the cover popped off. Much to our surprise, the frog springs free and in a millisecond slides promptly down the drain. Are you freaking kidding me!?!

At this point, the level of pandemonium escalates. My wife is shoulder to shoulder with me already, so her gasp is deafening. The two older kids begin dancing around screaming "He went down the drain! He went down the drain!" Poor lil' Garrett runs into his bedroom crying something about "You lost my frog. You lost my frog. He is gone forever."

Ever cool under pressure, I spring into action (no pun intended.) I am hunkered down under the sink working feverishly to disassemble the drain assembly and praying he didn't make it thru the p-trap. Suddenly the other kids have coaxed Garrett out of his room as a tiny frog pokes his head up thru the drain hole! I have the trap disassembled and the frog is eyeballing me at, well, eyeball level. I slowly bring my hand up to extract him from the drain hole and he tucks back inside. We repeat this twice then Garrett tries. Every time the frog tucks back inside the drain. I try something new. I turn the water on at a trickle. He pokes his head up. Problem here is the trap is disconnected. Finally, I am working the faucet with one hand and have my palm under the drain with the other. As the drain fills up, he comes out into his new swimming pool and Garrett snags him.

Disaster averted! Now my only problem is what to do with all the water in the drain. I tried to grab the p-trap and fit it in unsuccessfully. Water comes gushing out all over the floor. Oh well. That is what they have towels for.

Now I don't know how many lives a frog has, but I do know this one has spent two of them tonight. I also know there is a little boy that went to bed with a smile on his face and a Dad that got to test his plumbing disassembly abilities tonight.

I wonder what sort of adventures the kids will get me into tomorrow night.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Dude I am loving and laughing out loud at this! Being a plumber I can only picture the service call for me to rescue a frog from a p-trap. Great stuff Phil and Garrett will remember thos for years on end.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
For some reason, soon as you said "sink" I knew it was gonna be interesting. Funny stuff right there.... Great Job saving the Frog Dad!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Thanks guys. I was hoping you would enjoy it. Sometimes situations hilarious in person don't always translate to words very well.

Can't believe some of the details I forgot. Hoyt will love this one. I am sure he has plenty of stories. I think the only thing that saved the frog from making it to the p-trap was a NASTY toothbrush I found in the sink drain. Upon questioning my wife later I hear "Oh well. I remember that but I didn't think it mattered as long as the sink wasn't backing up." Whaaaaat? I mean, I guess she was right in the end, but seriously? lol


Junior Member
Aye aye aye.... All i could think when you were talking about being careful with the trap was how many times I'd removed a trap in my younger years as a plumber, been careful as a peach with it, only to take it and dump the water out of it straight into the sink.....


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Aye aye aye.... All i could think when you were talking about being careful with the trap was how many times I'd removed a trap in my younger years as a plumber, been careful as a peach with it, only to take it and dump the water out of it straight into the sink.....

Yep done that one TOO!


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Just another day in the life of Phil Hicks..... dude that was hilarious lol.... I've pulled ours for contacts and even change but never a critter lol.....