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Bowrattler string stop


Tatonka guide.
Ordered this in for my hoyt bow amd got to install it tonight.

Background info: most bow makers use a fiberglass rod to attach their string stop to the back of the bow. This is an adequate option generally speaking. This product is all aluminum rod and body.

I was surprised and disappointed in this product...here is the bad...you need to cut the aluminum rod yourself to fit the bow. This is the rod that goes into the bow and is tightened down by the set screw..

The good...this thing a solid as heck and did a excellent job of both quieting bow the bow and smoothing it up even more. It was a noticable difference. Well worth the investment for sure. This product is very well made and retails for about 30 bucks. This is supposed to do a real good job on hoyts and i would concur with that assertion..


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Good to know. This is my only issue with my new Hoyt. Have moved the string stopper in and out and it still has some twang in the string.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I have the same problem with my spyder. Ill have to keep this in mind because my archery fund is low due to the purchase of new arrows and stabilizer qd's.

Yup. Shooting a mildly heavy arrow. Not "heavy" but not light. Haven't tried string leaches or anything yet. The "twang" isn't terrible, just noticeable.