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As you get older


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
We've had some banter back and forth on aging and how it's affecting us or perceived effects heading your way.... Jeff and Adam we're commenting on vision not being the same and me with my hamstring issue that won't go away lol....

Which got me too thinking what have y'all noticed happening as you're getting older....

My issues are aches and pains that I never had when I was younger....months get serious just,ore of them as I get older, usually don't take anything just deal with it, but every once in a while ibuprofen does the trick....

My biggest issues were from a little boating accident I had a few years ago, I still have those aches and pains lol.... It could of been a lot worse and I still count my blessing it wasn't worse then it was.....

I was lucky when I was younger to not have any major issues that would rear its ugly head as I aged, but reading some of your posts about how in a younger age you have some issues with pain already in your 20/30's I couldn't imagine what some face in their golden years.....


Staff member
Aches and pains for me so far have been the biggest issue. I used to rebound in hours, now it can take days if I went hard enough. Just like this morning. I golfed 18 yesterday and I can feel it this morning. That's why I've been so hell bent on losing weight, I know that will help with recovery as I age.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Weight seems too be a big factor on a lot of people I know... I'm at the same weight I retired at and hope too stay heir as I get older and maybe she'd a few pounds too boot... I've been walking 3 miles a day 5-6 days a week since May and planing on keeping the same routine for the foreseeable neutered... My running days are behind me as I just don't have at kind of motivation anymore since he military isn't part of my life anymore and I don't have too set an example for the youngins that had worked for me lol


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Well, let's see here... as soon as I hit 40 I noticed:

1. Gall Bladder needed out
2. Became allergic to poison ivy/sumac/oak (whatever)
3. Became allergic to stings (enter Coshocton jokes)
4. hair grows on back of triceps, shoulders
5. ear hair out of control
6. nose hair out of control
7. eyebrows out of control
8. appendix removed at 39 (if that counts as over 40)
9. tinnitus (can't hear deer walking) HATE THAT!
10. will need bifocals real soon, I can feel it
11. back hair
12. gray hairs are popping up
13. still can't grow a good beard
14. balls starting sag slightly yet dick remains in same location
15. I say "back in my day" more and more to my kids.


The Happy Hunting Grounds Beyond
Supporting Member
Ashtabula, Ohio
Where to start?...........................

Hernia when I was a kid. Old fashion surgery - 110 stiches on my back in the hospital for a week.
Numerous stitches through out the years.
Blown out knee playing softball, had surgery that aches to this day.
My eyes suck as far as being near sighted. If I did not have my "cheaters" I would not be able to see what I am typing.
Misc. aches and pains.
Can't absorb new things like I use TOO. Might have to reread it several times.
My temper some times gets the best of me, was not like that when I was younger.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
My back is constantly sore, some days more than others, just depends on how rough it is at work. That's most likely do to the fact that I'm 6'8", my dad has had back problems for years. I'm not really looking forward to how its going to feel in another 10 years. My balls sag , could be from playing basketball for years and wearing boxers instead of some kind of satchel support. Nose hairs are starting to be a pain in the ass. My hair line is starting to recede on both sides of my forehead. Back in December I fell off a machine at work and sprained my knee really bad, I can still feel it if I move it the wrong way. I have lost 30 pounds since 2012, I'm only 10 pounds above what I weighed when I graduated high school in 02. I was almost 260 pounds, now I'm down to 227 so that's one good thing.
LOL Cotty has a few of mine that's for sure!

Definitely weaker than I used to be. Not that I was ever any kind of a muscle bound specimen but the sitting job at work sure has taken it's toll. Hair growing out of control is another thing. Talk about gray hair, beard, etc. I have never ever been able to grow a beard however a goatee was often something I would do. Now it's almost white!! My left knee has always given me some trouble since Jr. high. Now it's been hurting just to walk down stairs. Not sure what that means for climbing ladders and sticks this fall.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Nothing worse than a sack sag..... Especially when the toilet water raises and lowers on windy days lmao..... That'll get your attention real quick like lmao....

Tinnitus has been on going since my early forties, and thanks too a ceiling fan in the bedroom on medium speed that's just enough white noise too counteract it lol.....

No beard capabilities whatsoever but both my brothers and my son can have a full one in a month lol.... Best I can do is chin hair with a stache lol..... And it's pure white anymore lol....


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
I'll have a list later of all my going down hill stuff. Let's just say that I will be overly impressed if I'm not using a rascal by 50 with ear, nose, and eyebrows flopping in the wind lol.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I was busy with the new refrig delivery and just came back on. Hell couple of older guys could have explained all this to you years ago. Damn lucky I quit smoking almost 49 yrs ago. But getting older with problems is a whole lot better than dying young healthy. I'm walking proof there. Hang in there guys as it's only going to get worse as the years go by.

Geezer II

Bountiful Hunting Grounds Beyond.
portage county oh
COB, Geezer and Frank are probably shaking their heads at us posting right about now lol....

Whell hell at 78 uhm in my prime

I can't see - can't pee
Can't chew - can't screw
My body is droop'n
Have'n touble poop'n
My golden years have come at last
My golden year can kiss my ass


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Whell hell at 78 uhm in my prime

I can't see - can't pee
Can't chew - can't screw
My body is droop'n
Have'n touble poop'n
My golden years have come at last
My golden year can kiss my ass

Bravo!!!! That one had me spitting out my lunch time coffee!

Be interesting to read some of these. There are some of us in 40's, others covering the rest of the age brackets.

Turned 40 this year myself. In last couple years I have noticed the right knee (two surgeries on it back in my teens) has a dull ache. On bad days it is full blown pain, although tolerable. Most days just a bit achy. I have also noticed the eye glasses moved around to see the close up reading. Either shift my head, shift the reading material, or shift the glasses. Putting that one off. Grey hairs? Oh yeah.

I think the biggest thing isn't so much the grey hairs, aches, or pains. I think what sucks right now is acknowledging this stuff. I never gave two shits about my blood pressure in the past. I have been borderline the last 5-10yrs. Now a good reading is worthy of a fist pump. When the flip did good BP reading become fist pump worthy? That isn't a cool thing. That isn't a "young man" thing. That is acknowledging my age is creeping up. Same goes for the reading glasses.

I am more thankful for the little things in life now. Used to get grumpy if I had a boner the wife didn't want to use. As I get older and buddies talk more, I am thankful I have no issues getting one in case I need to use it. lmao


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Luckily that hasn't been an issue yet lmao.... Other than high cholesterol I'm good too go... Just get through this hamstring issue and I'll be golden lol


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Luckily that hasn't been an issue yet lmao.... Other than high cholesterol I'm good too go... Just get through this hamstring issue and I'll be golden lol
BUT. . . It is something you know could happen. 20yrs back it was a joke amongst your buddies. Now you might joke and another might say "hey man, that shit ain't funny." In 40s or 50s, it can happen. In 20s or 30s if it happened to your buddy, you didn't know about it. Now it could potentially become a conversation topic.

Sort of like the cholesterol Jay. . . Acknowledging it is bad enough.