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4th round knock out turkey.


*Supporting Member*
For those of you that don't know Ive been a gate keeper of the heavy weight Tom turkey champion belt for the past 5 years in these parts. It was the last day of the 2011 season I lost to a Jake. I have and will always blame Joe for being my corner man. I lost my belt that I held since 2003. Through the past 5 years I've struggled mentally and physically and decided to start training other contenders, Joe and Travis. I was just a out of shape bum always cornering them and teaching them the methods I use to use but I'd occasionally strike up a few challenges only to keep shooting Jakes. My abilities to knockout a Tom were gone. Things were going down hill fast and I knew I had to find a way back. I sat in my truck watching several sun rises before season, listening to birds. One specific morning I looked to the sky and I heard it. Clear as day I heard the whisper " Get up ya bum, I didn't hear no bell".

That was all I needed. I went home and started scuffing my slates, hitting that "taylor swift" rhythm again on my diaphragms and going to bed by 9. I'd wake up fresh and walk out the door determined to get my belt back. This was the year But something was lacking. Monday morning Joe and I threw everything we had on a Tom only to have him stall in the bushes for 45 minutes. Ok, 1st round down. We developed a new strategy for the next morning only to have the birds flip roost 300 yards away. We had them hammering on the roost but again, they hung up 100 yards down in the hollow. Wednesday, they ghosted or weren't gobbling. I'd go back to the truck bitching, and Joe would tell me "Listen buddy, you can do this. You can beat this, just one more round!". Actually im lying, he pretty much told me to stop bitching and we only gotta get lucky once and they gotta get lucky everytime. I figured out what was lacking, I just needed not to give a shit anymore lol. This morning I was calm and collected, ready to do just whatever. Then bam, a distant gobble. I was ready to engage in this turkey calling brawl. You could probably say I got the "eye of the tiger" ready to mess this birds world up. As we walked towards this bird I whispered to Joe he'll angle this way. We setup, called lightly and the bird hammered away. IT got passed fly down time and the bird was still roosted, which at that point I assumed a hen had him tied up. All went quite. Yep, definitely a hen. He then gobbled a few minutes later but it sounded like he was walking away. We stood up and heard the bird shift closer towards us again but in a field to our right but still a ways out. We hauled the mail 80 yards and got settled up. The bird started hammering and then we sighted him as he turned a corner in the field coming towards us with a hen....

I collected my thoughts as I watched a rope dangle off this bird and reminisced a certain scene from "Rocky" as he walked our way.


Finish off this real life "Rocky" story Joe


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Alex had to go to work and wanted me to finish it up..

So there we are, me an ole sour puss sitting about 5 yards off the field edge. The tom was somewhere to our left. We wanted to move closer but couldn't tell if the Tom was in a small ditch close to us, or just around a little wooded point. We didn't have time to decide because he came around the point and started our way. He was with a hen but she didn't much care about him... I threw some hot beats on him from my Zink slate and he started coming in.

He needed to cross that ditch about 60 yards to our left, he instead angled out in the field to cross it at a lower point. I would occasionally cluck like a hot slut and he would puff into a half strut but kept coming closer. He crossed the head of the ditch about 50 yards out but didn't want to come any closer, opting instead to hold back just like Mondays bird. I threw a little jam on him from my new mix tape "Beats that make em go gobbble". That sucker didn't budge. I grabbed my slate and ripped off some "My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard".. Nada, he's hung up. Usually that's not a problem but we're stuck about 5 yards in the woods looking for holes to shoot through. I thought to myself "Man he better kill this bird because I can't listen to another morning of ole soggy diaper on the drive home". I had been ragging him all week about not shooting another jake.. "One must see the beard... Be the beard... become one with the beard..." Opening day of youth season Travis passed two jakes.. As we're all walking back to the truck I told Travis I was proud of him... because Alex would have shot them both....

Well back to the story.. Alex was shooting a 3 inch Remington loads and was hesitant due to the range and shooting holes. I offered my anti-aircraft flack cannon shooting 3.5 Hevi Blended loads. I've dusted one at 72 paces so I know it would reach him. About that time I hear Alex say "I've got a hole, I'm going to shoot" I replied "I'll back you up, hold on and let me get a bead on him" okay.. I got him.. The guns went off damn near in unison. Alex's shot didn't even get to the M in the word Boom before I cut loose too. Dirt, corn stubble, half the brush in front of us, and feathers went flying like the tom stepped on a landmine. We rolled his ass like a sack of potatoes. Then that dang Tom jumps up and starts running off. He manages to get airborne. I hear "Grab my shit" and Alex takes off like Usane Bolt.. If Urban Meyer would've seen the 40 yard time Alex laid down he would have recruited him for running back right then and there.

So I'm standing there watching Alex put on the burners after this airborne Tom.. I swear his Muck boots were smoking.. The tom was heading across about 300 yards of open field where there was a fence row and then another half mile of open field.. I had a vision of Alex and I chasing this bird around the cut corn popping shots at a running bird. I watched the bird and Alex disappear over a rise in the field. Alex cleared it with such speed i swear he caught some sweet air. Suddenly two shots rang out in quick repetition. By now I had finished gathering up our stuff and was walking across the field. I saw Alex emerge from the fence row bird on his back... HELL YEAH! When I got up close and looked him over the bird was well tenderized. Somebody shot two toenails off and he was a bloody mess.. We stood there shaking our heads, it wasn't pretty, but we got it done..



Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
lmao..... What a story, but then again it is you two lol.... Congrats on getting the job done and that jake legacy off your back Alex lol


Senior Member
Opening day of youth season Travis passed two jakes.. As we're all walking back to the truck I told Travis I was proud of him... because Alex would have shot them both....

I offered my anti-aircraft flack cannon shooting 3.5 Hevi Blended loads.

hahaha!! lmao lmao

Great story guys! No candid photo ops this year with the bird?


*Supporting Member*
Can't y'all just have a normal hunt and call on in to 25 yds and execute it in one shot ?? Lol . Nooo, gotta be unique and do things different..