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2017-18 Deer regulations


Senior Member
Opportunity leads to higher kill numbers.

Just like additional opening days with all the speciallittle seasons does.

I think bow kills outnumbered all others last year if we want to save the herd we decrease the number of deer killed.

I would venture to say that 95% of the guys hunting the super late season are the guys that have hunted all year and are trying to kill a late season buck, Just like my dad did this year and I did the year before.



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Here we go again,every fuggin time this shit comes up the arguing starts.
Lets face it we will never all be on the same page on this subject,just take it for what it is and enjoy our time outdoors.
Don't take offense... I'm not putting anyone down. Just saying my piece because that's almost always the first response when someone says, "well look how many deer we kill on TOO.''

And I'm not trying to be argumentative. I'm just stating my difference in perspective. I agree with you that we'll all never agree on any of this.



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
Don't take offense... I'm not putting anyone down. Just saying my piece because that's almost always the first response when someone says, "well look how many deer we kill on TOO.''

And I'm not trying to be argumentative. I'm just stating my difference in perspective. I agree with you that we'll all never agree on any of this.
I don't really think we killed that many deer last year.
All I'm saying is, during the off season all you hear on TOO is a bunch of boohooing about deer and the regs and the DNR.... But it's funny because during season this place is pretty flush with harvest threads, and close encounters and sighting threads, and wounded deer threads. Everyone complains about mismanagement this and that, and then have a buttload of trailcam pics and stories to share around. We sure complain a lot for being some super successful mofos. And please don't anyone tell me, "yes but TOO members are the cream of the crop." I'm sorry to burst y'alls bubbles but we ain't. At least not in my opinion we're not. There is a shit ton of knowledge and experience here but trust me there's a lot of non-member folks out there that would out-hunt, out-fish, and out-trap every single person on this site. I say that with absolutely no disrespect to anyone on TOO. I look up to a lot of people here. It's just my opinion.

I think percentage wise the people that visit forums such as this are the cream of the crop. They tend to spend more time scouting, acquiring knowledge, tuning equipment, etc. Yes there is people that never get on the internet that are great hunters as well. I am just talking percentage wise that I feel the average hunter on here is better than the average hunter in the state.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I think percentage wise the people that visit forums such as this are the cream of the crop. They tend to spend more time scouting, acquiring knowledge, tuning equipment, etc. Yes there is people that never get on the internet that are great hunters as well. I am just talking percentage wise that I feel the average hunter on here is better than the average hunter in the state.
And you would be absolutely correct. The knowledge of individuals on forums far surpasses that of any other gathering of hunters you will ever find and the provided information is peer reviewed and discussed, . There will always be someone smarter out there, but I challenge anyone to find a more knowledgeable group of individuals with the breadth of knowledge possessed on forums such as this one gathered in one place.

It is obvious to me that someone has not spent any amount of time working a booth at a trade show, or even reading comments on the ODNR Facebook page. It does not take a cognitive psychologist long to figure out there are a lot of really dumbass hunters out there. Some of them so stupid you wonder how they survived the season without shooting themselves. I met a guy in the woods one time turkey hunting that told me he thought the daylight savings time change thst happened early that year messed up the birds.

One thing is for absolute certain however no matter if you are a member of this board, a member on Facebook, some random Hunter at the local coffee shop, or some Hunter who wouldn't even know where to begin with a smartphone or the internet, the vast majority of them agree that the DNR has screwed it up. They place the blame squarely where the blame exists, with the State Department who decided to reduce our deer population. It is not just a small subset of hunters on the internet complaining about the deer population the opinion is shared by the vast majority of people you will meet. Its just here that voice is viewable.



Dignitary Member
Staff member
I don't really think we killed that many deer last year.
Compared to years past you would be correct. I personally didn't shoot a single deer last year, circa 2008 i was stacking them like cord wood. The Harvest numbers support less deer being shot, the dnr's budget, or lack thereof I should say, is evidence of less being shot, our harvest numbers here, contest participation, all of it points to less deer being shot. Despite all that howeber our traffic statistics continue to show us growing. A 2016 year over year growth compared to 2015 shows a +27% increase in new user visits, +54% increase in user sessions and a +250% increase in logged in members clicking the "new post" button.



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
Compared to years past you would be correct. I personally didn't shoot a single deer last year, circa 2008 i was stacking them like cord wood. The Harvest numbers support less deer being shot, the dnr's budget, or lack thereof I should say, is evidence of less being shot, our harvest numbers here, contest participation, all of it points to less deer being shot. Despite all that howeber our traffic statistics continue to show us growing. A 2016 year over year growth compared to 2015 shows a +27% increase in new user visits, +54% increase in user sessions and a +250% increase in logged in members clicking the "new post" button.
Hey at least the turkeys seem to be doing good!


All I'm saying is, during the off season all you hear on TOO is a bunch of boohooing about deer and the regs and the DNR.... But it's funny because during season this place is pretty flush with harvest threads, and close encounters and sighting threads, and wounded deer threads. Everyone complains about mismanagement this and that, and then have a buttload of trailcam pics and stories to share around. We sure complain a lot for being some super successful mofos. And please don't anyone tell me, "yes but TOO members are the cream of the crop." I'm sorry to burst y'alls bubbles but we ain't. At least not in my opinion we're not. There is a shit ton of knowledge and experience here but trust me there's a lot of non-member folks out there that would out-hunt, out-fish, and out-trap every single person on this site. I say that with absolutely no disrespect to anyone on TOO. I look up to a lot of people here. It's just my opinion.

Well put


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Non of us can agree on the hunting regs just like we can agree on trucks, beer, women, bows or which broadhead to use.
I wouldn't expect anything different. We all live in a different spot, and no 2 spots are the same.
I'm bless with probably too many deer because of the immediate area of excess brushy areas and 100 ac of hay next door. It seems for most of the year all the deer here have to do is lay in the brush and come and eat and shit and go back and lay in the brush again.
But when I drive up North to my old grow up area and see cleared field 1-2 miles deep and not a tree in sight there just not that many deer there if any.
So what I'm saying is every small area you live or hunt in is different from everyone else's.

I'm also a believer in the thought the forum members on this forum and other forums are a cut above the average hunter.

And of course the Daylight Savings Time change messes the deer up as they have no watches. The deer never what the correct time is. LOL


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I don't disagree completely with Jagermeister. There are plenty of great outdoorsman who could care less what the Internet people think. They won't log in here. We simply don't see a lot of slob hunters on here. That is the difference. Some of the FB groups seem to have snagged most of them.

I can appreciate his stance though. If you've never had high density, it is tough to feel real bad for a county that kills 3-4x the deer when their numbers drop a bit. We simply have a different perspective. Doesn't mean we wish them ill will or want their numbers to drop. Just harder to sympathize.



Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
People don't go out looking at the internet when things are good. They go looking when shit starts getting bad. Otherwise, they just keep doing what they are doing, because it works for them.


All I'm saying is, during the off season all you hear on TOO is a bunch of boohooing about deer and the regs and the DNR.... But it's funny because during season this place is pretty flush with harvest threads, and close encounters and sighting threads, and wounded deer threads. Everyone complains about mismanagement this and that, and then have a buttload of trailcam picsccrop." I'm sorry to burst y'alls bubbles but we ain't. At least not in my opinion we're not. There is a shit ton of knowledge and experience here but trust me there's a lot of non-member folks out there that would out-hunt, out-fish, and out-trap every single person on this site. I say that with absolutely no disrespect to anyone on TOO. I look up to a lot of people here. It's just my opinion.

So I should take "ultimate bad ass hunter" off my resume? No offense taken here, I think Jesse said he once received the advise "if wanna kill booners consistently, be selfish and stop caring about others", most TOO guys don't have this mentality and enjoy the fellowship of other hunters, I would argue that the true elite of the elite are totally consumed with themselves and only their success.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
All I'm saying is, during the off season all you hear on TOO is a bunch of boohooing about deer and the regs and the DNR.... But it's funny because during season this place is pretty flush with harvest threads, and close encounters and sighting threads, and wounded deer threads. Everyone complains about mismanagement this and that, and then have a buttload of trailcam pics and stories to share around. We sure complain a lot for being some super successful mofos. And please don't anyone tell me, "yes but TOO members are the cream of the crop." I'm sorry to burst y'alls bubbles but we ain't. At least not in my opinion we're not. There is a shit ton of knowledge and experience here but trust me there's a lot of non-member folks out there that would out-hunt, out-fish, and out-trap every single person on this site. I say that with absolutely no disrespect to anyone on TOO. I look up to a lot of people here. It's just my opinion.

It would be interesting to see just how many TOO members actually shot 2 or more deer. I think a few posts here and there of deer encounters with a few hand picked trail camera pics and soon some have the opinion all is fine in deer land. Sure there are harvest threads and all because this is a forum and people like to show what they've been up to. A quick a look at deer harvest numbers show deer numbers certainly aren't booming for the state though. The off season is the time most of us reflect on past seasons and quickly form an opinion of whether things seem to be improving or declining. My look back shows things improved dramatically in our area this past season when it comes to deer. I wasn't in the woods early or often enough to determine that we could actually shoot a doe or two. Hopefully many remember that a county is large and some areas CAN be overhunted and still not reflect in the actual harvest numbers for the county.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
I average 2 a season.... Sometimes will take a third to give to a buddy who can't hunt anymore...... usually taken from separate properties.....



Staff member
So I should take "ultimate bad ass hunter" off my resume? No offense taken here, I think Jesse said he once received the advise "if wanna kill booners consistently, be selfish and stop caring about others", most TOO guys don't have this mentality and enjoy the fellowship of other hunters, I would argue that the true elite of the elite are totally consumed with themselves and only their success.

Yep, that was me and I believe the elusive Big H told me that. Funny thing is I got selfish and still haven't killed a Booner...

Lots of differences in perspective surrounding this issue, which is why we will never agree ubiquitously on the rules and regulations set forth by the DNR. We all have our own set of personal experiences and we all tend to paint others experiences with our brush without knowing all the details, or taking the time to put ourselves in others shoes. I know for a fact some of you think I have no right to complain about deer numbers, however I obviously don't agree with that assessment. I think others discount and discredit the collective abilities and knowledge of the core of this site, and others tend to elevate the same beyond what is truly the case. All we can do is express our opinions, do our best to hear out others and hope that we all have safe and successful seasons.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
So I should take "ultimate bad ass hunter" off my resume? No offense taken here, I think Jesse said he once received the advise "if wanna kill booners consistently, be selfish and stop caring about others", most TOO guys don't have this mentality and enjoy the fellowship of other hunters, I would argue that the true elite of the elite are totally consumed with themselves and only their success.
Such has been my experience and I've known quite a few. Guys who are consumed with big buck hunting will typically screw over their own mother if they think a big buck is involved. Some of them like to appear outwardly helpful, but under the covers this is just another way of inflating their ego. But we will never know because apparently unless a Forum has Mr Whitetail himself aka Lary Weishuhn as a member they don't really represent the cream of the crop.



The knowledge of individuals on forums far surpasses that of any other gathering of hunters you will ever find and the provided information is peer reviewed and discussed.

I disagree. I personally know hundreds of consistently successful hunters and only a small fraction of them participate on chat forums. The majority are secretive by nature.


I disagree. I personally know hundreds of consistently successful hunters and only a small fraction of them participate on chat forums. The majority are secretive by nature.

The data that I just made up in my head says the opposite and being part of the younger generation my feelings count more than any real data you can provide (thus blacklivesmatter and every other ultra liberal organization basis for existance).