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1023's 2022-2023 Trail Cam Pics

Sgt Fury

Sgt. Spellchecker
Doubt it. Still a damn fine buck and all of 4, if not 5.5 years old. This is behind my house and there's a 0% chance anyone else passes him. I rarely hunt back there now that the girls are hunting. This is their playground now, so I'd probably let him walk more for their sake than for his/mine.
I hear you….tough to let him walk when you know someone else will not. Damn shame he won’t get a chance to regrow that droptine…one that nice is pretty rare. Hope the girls get him.👍
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Doubt it. Still a damn fine buck and all of 4, if not 5.5 years old. This is behind my house and there's a 0% chance anyone else passes him. I rarely hunt back there now that the girls are hunting. This is their playground now, so I'd probably let him walk more for their sake than for his/mine.

I never considered having a broken tine fixed by a taxidermist but you have enough info to give one if you were in that situation. I'd do it I think.

Sgt Fury

Sgt. Spellchecker
I have mixed feelings about that, but if I did kill him, I'd consider it for sure. Be better to find it and just glue it back on!
It’s not impossible…a buddy of mine killed a buck that had a broken g-2 and a few months later found it about a mile away from where he killed the buck. He found it while shed hunting. It fit perfectly and he just glued it back on.


Staff member
Some deer just have the "it" factor and we've had a few in the 17-year history of The Farm w. No Name, but I've never closed the loop on any. This buck looks a lot like a buck we called Lebron about 5 years ago. Lebron was #8 or 9 in a list of "special" top-end bucks that just up and vanished like a fart in the wind. When I see bucks like this one, who I respectfully have dubbed Lebron 2.0, I see a buck that deserves 2-3 more years. As unrealistic as that is, it's still true. I'm fearful he'll fall to the hands of the most recent lessors of the big farm N of us, who are from PA and will likely soil their pants at the sight of this buck. This buck actually disappoints me based on history, but I still enjoy seeing him. This clip is right up there with some of the best I've ever had!

It's like he's saying: "Go ahead and get a good look at this rack because it's the last time you'll ever see it!" 😂



Staff member
Need a N winds this weekend if we're gonna have any fun!



Staff member
My assessment of the neighborhood this year has confirmed my pessimistic perspective. If I don't kill him, someone else will. At this point, he's also the oldest (3.5) and biggest buck on cam. I may be more patient if something else shows up or I get into them during the rut. But if he slips up anytime before Halloween, we're gonna have a showdown.



Staff member
The switch is starting to flip. This cam is pretty boring until right about now, until gun season. It's been a slow and steady increase in daily traffic over the last 7 days. These does are traveling W to E towards a good bedding area, hitting acorns long the way. This is exactly what pulls bucks through here and this scrape is about to fire up nicely!
