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1023's 2013-2014 Hunting Log


Staff member
I can't get my card reader working, so I only have pics from one of my sets that I took with my phone. I hung this set on the ridge where I saw Jack last year after my buddy missed him. There were also two good encounters with a 150 class buck on this flat a few years back. It sits just east of my sanctuary and is accessed via a drainage ditch. I hung this to be an all day sit kind of stand and do not plan to hunt it until November. Once the leaves come off, I'll have a great view of the bowl to the south of the stand and should be able to see clear in to our creek bottom way below me. It is not in the best position, but I hung it in anticipation of losing Hippie Ridge and if that happens, I'll need something on our land to take advantage of the general movements in this area.

I cut one branch off on the left side of the picture here that allows me to shoot a great trail coming out of the thicket and heading towards my sanctuary which is 100 yards behind the dead tree. This is looking southwest...

This is looking due south at Hippie Ridge. It is hard to tell, but there is an old road that follow the fenceline with a trail on it that looks like a cattle trail. It is a great edge they like to travel...

This is looking NE. I should have taken one looking NW, but forgot. You can see the creek bottom when the leaves come off which means I can glass both food plots down there. There are about 8-10 oaks on this flat that if they produce, will draw deer in to this area. There is a trail that walks the edge of the flat that is a chip shot behind the stand. Pretty much any deer that hits this flat, will be in range at some point.

All the rest of the stands we worked on that day are old stands or stands that were there at one point in time. When we plant the food plots under 3 of the stands, I'll snap some more pics. I also scouted out a new set on Friday that should work out well if the oaks produce on that ridge. We will hang that when we plant or if I have time during a rain soon...


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Very nice Jesse! I need to get my sets up soon TOO! It's amazing how drastic the the canopy changes from summer>fall>winter when looking down from our perches.


Staff member
Headed out tonight to spray plots and will probably check and cam or two. With the plots sprayed, I have one stand to move/hang at the farm, 3 plots to plant, 2 stands to pull at another farm (rehang one), and one stand/plot to do at my parents. I should be all done by the first weekend in August with hunting stuff other than cams. Feels good to be narrowing things down!


Staff member
Installed my peep last night and built my arrows today at lunch. 530 grains finished. I can't wait to see how fast they are being thrown and figure out that KE number!!!



Staff member
It will be in the high 90's. If I'm 280-290 with my speed, I'll be 92-99 on KE. I might be able to shoot through 2 deer at once! LOL. And with these on the front, forget it!!!



Tatonka guide.
i have buried a shaft 13 inches+ deep in the ground AFTER passing through a deer....Fear no bone...:smiley_bril:


Staff member
Went after two pieces of property tonight and struck out both times. Couldn't find the one people and was shot down by an 84 year old widow. Had her in the palm of my hand and then she told me about her gun toting neighbors who she lets hunt. Said no more people after that. It's 123 acres of PRIME habitat. I hesitate to even think of some of the bucks that roam there. Secluded pond, 50-100+ year old mature timber, beans and corn, mature apples trees and cover out the ass. She said she lost count of how many people have asked to lease it. I left her a pamphlet and told her I'd be happy to help with chores. We'll see what happens, but I think I'm screwed. Broke my friggin heart.


Senior Member
Went after two pieces of property tonight and struck out both times. Couldn't find the one people and was shot down by an 84 year old widow. Had her in the palm of my hand and then she told me about her gun toting neighbors who she lets hunt. Said no more people after that. It's 123 acres of PRIME habitat. I hesitate to even think of some of the bucks that roam there. Secluded pond, 50-100+ year old mature timber, beans and corn, mature apples trees and cover out the ass. She said she lost count of how many people have asked to lease it. I left her a pamphlet and told her I'd be happy to help with chores. We'll see what happens, but I think I'm screwed. Broke my friggin heart.

Don't feel bad bud. I went last Saturday to put new batteries in my cams I had at the same place I have hunted for three years. Killed a nice buck there two years ago and the LO went on and on about how he loved the butterflied back straps and deer sticks with jalapeño cheese. But them got to the bad part of how his BIL had decided to take up bow hunting and he would be hunting the farm this year and had free reign to put stands wherever he liked. I did have a slight case of amnesia when he asked where I would suggest his BIL hang stands. I did have a couple suggestions but kept those to myself. He would have to have a bow light to hunt there anyway because the sun don't shine there. It sure was a long walk back in there to pull those cams. :(


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sounds like it is still up in the air Jesse. You may fly out, but you still may have a HR with the widow. Sometimes the right person charms a lady like that and helps her out and it pays great dividends. If not, you gave it an honest effort.

Sorry to hear it Don. That just plain sucks.


Senior Member
Sounds like it is still up in the air Jesse. You may fly out, but you still may have a HR with the widow. Sometimes the right person charms a lady like that and helps her out and it pays great dividends. If not, you gave it an honest effort.

Sorry to hear it Don. That just plain sucks.

Thanks Phil. I'll figure something out.