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Junior Member
Maumee, OH
I SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I haven't been seeing a thing during my morning sits, so I went out tonight. A little after 6pm a smaller doe started on her way to my corn pile. She went behind a tree, I lifted my bow. I didn't think I needed to stop her, she was almost to the corn, head down, and moving really slow. Well as I went to line up the site one last time and fire, she turned and the arrow went wide right. She didn't run like hell, I almost got another shot off, but she made it into the thick stuff. I still fell sick about it, but I will get back out to finish her off Friday night. It is kinda hard to admit, but I needed to get it off my chest. :smiley_cry:


The Happy Hunting Grounds Beyond
Supporting Member
Ashtabula, Ohio
Hang in there Kujo, we all have gone through that at one point in our hunting experience.

At least you have the thrill of the hunt in your memories.

Good luck next time out.
It happens and if you hunt long enough it'll happen more than once. Yes, it sucks! :smiley_depressive:

I missed 2 does, during the second week of the season. I thought I was used to the new peep sight that I'd installed, sighted in and practised with, but I found out otherwise.

I removed the peep sight, resighted my bow and went back out hunting. 2 weeks later, I killed a nice 7 pointer. :smiley_blink:

It can be done! You can do it! :smiley_bril:

Good hunting, Bowhunter57


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Don't beat yourself up. Friends and family are usually more than willing to do that for ya;)

I missed more shots than I care to admit last year, and already got one clean miss this year.
And those guys on the hunting shows? They miss; they just get to edit.

My pregame prayer before each hunt is now this: "Lord, please just give me opportunity - help me do my best, and I pray for either a clean hit or a clean miss. Amen."


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
No worries Kujo. This is what we like to call a learning experience. We all have them from time to time. It will only make you a better hunter. The bright side is that you missed completely, and you didn't injure her.


Junior Member
Maumee, OH
thank you for a the encouraging words, I am going back out tonight. next time I will make sure I stop the deer.