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BigSlam and Jesse's Ozark Adventure - The Lost Chronicles


Staff member
If you've ever spent much time around me, you know I have a tendency to get a spur up my ass about things and because I know no moderation, I tend to follow through with a lot of hair-brained ideas. I've always lived for the story and been thankful for the memories. One of the most recent things to hit me was a burning desire to hunt deer somewhere other than Ohio, something I have yet to do. From my first deer hunt at 8, every deer hunt I've ever been on has taken place in three or four counties in Ohio. I needed to see something new. After doing a little research last year when a close friend and hunting partner of mine mentioned going west, we settled on Missouri as the place to go. Unfortunately I lost my job and that ended any trip we may have taken. However the desire to go west did not go away, it only grew in intensity and when my buddy said he could not go this year due to a new baby and home purchase (right choice), I posed the question to a few other buddies and only one asshole was crazy enough to say "yes". lmao

So this November, Chad and I are venturing west to the Ozark Conservation District in Missouri to try our hands at shooting a whitetailed deer in the big woods of south central Missouri near the Mark Twain National Forest. We agreed to make it hard on ourselves by finding places we can get a mile or more off a road. Our plan is to apply our knowledge of terrain to the most remote places we can find, then work our asses off to get back there and hunt. We've both decided to shoot just about anything that wanders through and the purpose here is to #1, have a great time and #2, come back with a couple coolers loaded with Missouri-sourced venison.

As we continue to plan and mark off boxes on the "Pre-Hunt Checklist", we'll check in here periodically to update you all on things. Hopefully we can find a little service out there to update you all while we hunt as well. I plan to share some of our approaches to things along the way as well. I was raised my a surveyor and have been navigating via USGS Quadangle Topo maps since I was 5 or 6 years old. We're going where an aerial means jackshit because it's all green. We'll be navigating off topo lines and I feel I can really use this experience to help people who may not have a firm grasp on how useful they can be to getting around unfamiliar terrain in the pursuit of whitetails.

Stay tuned TOO. Good stories and great memories to come!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
This is a trip that I cannot wait to go on! Tags go on sale July 1st and bet your ass I'll have mine that day Lol. I have spent a few hours on Google earth looking at CA's that appear to be hard to get to and then comparing them to topo maps. I have limited knowledge with topo maps since most of the ground I hunt is small hills, and the ditches and ravines can easily be located by shed hunting and scouting on foot, so that's where Jesse's expertise will shine. Like Jesse said, we aren't going out there after a Pope and young or booner. We just want to experience something new and do something not very many deer hunters get to do in their life. I just hope I don't fall off a mountain lol!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Why am I envisioning you guys in an episode of "Naked and Afraid" together? Nobody wants to see that crap man. lmao

Sounds like a blast guys. I look forward to seeing the updates.


Staff member
Sounds like a great time. When is this trip planned for?
Leave Wednesday, November 2nd and drive all night. Set up camp when we arrive, grab a nap, then hunt Thursday after though Sunday. If things are good, we'll stay another day. If we're ready to come home, we'll roll out Monday. Roughly a 10 hour drive.


Staff member
Given my weight loss, I'd say I've been relegated to little spoon. Perhaps even the little ice cream sample spoon next to his swamp ape frame. lmao


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
You guys won't regret this trip. There's satisfaction on a whole new level from hunting in "foreign" territory. And 10 hours should be a very easy drive. You guys will have a great time, regardless of the amount of venison that comes home with you.


Staff member
For you guys thinking about something like this, tags/license, gas and food shouldn't run us much more than $500-600. I'm buying a climber for the trip, but that's been on the list for a while anyways. So at the end of the day, I bet I have less than $750 in the trip as a whole. Not bad for a hunt somewhere other than SE Ohio!