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Deer Management Stakeholder Organization.

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None of us can really predict accurately what hunting will be like in the future here in Ohio. I believe hunter numbers will decline over time due to many factors that we have discussed for a while. I truly think access will be a major concern going forward. In time farms will be gobbled up by investors and will be come subdivision with cookie cutter homes. I look at where I grew up and see places I hunted that are now allotments that are full of wildlife watchers, not hunters. I believe many people are just to softhearted today to kill innocent animals.

Some kids may dream to be the next deer hunting TV star, but I believe these are not very numerous. Every kid I've tried to introduce to the sport has not had the patience required to have a chance of being successful. I believe this has to do with the I want it all now attitude many younger people have today.

I'm going to enjoy what time I have left to hunt and welcome any youngster that would care to enjoy it with me. Hopefully some day I'll run across one that has real interest.


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Supporting Member
I believe it's tough getting kids into hunting nowadays because of the lack of small game. The instant gratification referenced to todays youth has always been there. But when we were kids, you got that out shooting rabbits and pheasants and squirrel. Then deer hunting season rolled in and you didnt expect to kill one.

As far as this stakeholder thing, its a farce. Anybody with half a brain knows they dont give 2 fuggs about our opinion. They can appoint whoever they want to feed us shit, i aint eating it. For anyone who watched Lucky Number Slevin, this past 8 years has been a Kansas city shuffle pulled on the hunting public


Staff member
Little birdie told me the latest numbers show how shitty the reality is out there right now, especially when it comes to buck harvest. If the almighty buck begins to decline, so too will the only buck that matters to the people pulling the strings...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Little birdie told me the latest numbers show how shitty the reality is out there right now, especially when it comes to buck harvest. If the almighty buck begins to decline, so too will the only buck that matters to the people pulling the strings...
My little birdie told me a much different story.



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Nvm... Now I got it... Number through first 6 weeks of season... ( Don't go by date because it was a week earlier last year for the opener)

As of 11/1/16:. Bucks - 10,745. Does - 17,601

As of 11/7/17: Bucks - 17,303. Does - 20,450


Dignitary Member
Staff member
November 15, 2016 Total: 31,195 Bucks and 28,536 Does
November 14, 2017 Total: 21,490 Bucks and 22,833 Does

That's massive!

31.22% drop in Buck harvest
22% drop in Doe harvest
26% drop in Total deer harvest statewide.

But don't worry Jesse. The problem is ACCESS!


Senior Member
Hudson, OH
JB - you are correct that my screen shots were date based and not apples to apples for # days/weeks.

If looking at same set of weeks, there are 1,809 more bucks and 354 more doe harvested thus far.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
JB - you are correct that my screen shots were date based and not apples to apples for # days/weeks.

If looking at same set of weeks, there are 1,809 more bucks and 354 more doe harvested thus far.
How about if you even it up to the current date by dropping the first week of last year instead of the last week this year?


Dignitary Member
Staff member
So were are we at? Is the sky falling or is it holding it's own weight?
I've got an answer you'll like. Lol.

Its been falling for about 9 years. Seems this year may be slightly less crappy than the last year thus far however.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Unfortunately, yea you guys have it pretty damn rough down there this year. I feel for ya. I'm glad we don't hunt in Kentucky though... They got it way worse with ehd this year.

Yup. My relatives are struggling to see deer. They have some nice food plots in areas you don't often find food plots. Even so, struggling to attract deer. Took a serious hit. Which brings me to this: KY DNR is discussing some things to do to assist in rebounding the deer herd. If our ambassador, voice, spokesperson, advocate, eyes/ear, whatever Brent's title is has time to read this, I would hope he would relay this to the powers that be. I was thoroughly impressed in what my cousin told me their DNR was doing (or considering doing) to aide. Dollars to land owners to improve habitat? Wow! NOT saying this will happen, but it is at least a discussion. Sadly, I don't believe ODNR would ever consider doing such a thing. They might give free bullets and tags to further decimate the herd, but I don't feel as if they would assist in helping it to recover. I hope I am wrong.
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