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Let's talk about our old Principals!


Since we're kinda on this subject. Whats up with all the hot horny teachers nowadays. Every week I hear on the radio about some teacher nailing her students. Messes those teenage boys up for life I bet lol. Only thing to happen in my area like that was two teachers were screwing in the classroom and taking pictures on the art rooms camera and some kids found them on the camera. But back to the subject I wouldn't want there job. Especially nowadays

We just had a teacher from my old highschool get arrested for this. I think she got charged with 15 counts of inappropriate contact with a minor. Supposedly she had been doing it for years and it was with boys and girls. She was really involved with after school activities like announcing at the basketball games. It was a pretty big shock especially because she was ugly.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
I had a great relationship with quite a few teachers and my Jr. High Principal, as they were avid outdoorsmen. My 8th grade year, my dad let me skip a couple days because the walleye run on the Maumee was hot. I remember driving back a long lane to a private property spot we have permission to park at and fish. There was a truck already there, no big deal. So Dad and I fet our gear on a walk to the water and notice 2 guys out in the general vicinity of where we wanted to go. So we headed out there, and sure as shit, there stands the Jr High Principal and my history teacher fishing. I remember Mr Tatum the principal looking at Mr Jones and saying, "Gary, I think we're busted". My Dad and them laughed and then Mr Tatum says to me, "we won't tell nobody if you don't". It was pretty cool standing there putting on a clinic catching walleye and giving them enough to fill their limits too. After that it always made me feel more connected with them, especially when I'd miss a day and one of them would wink and ask me "how was the fishing, Ryan"?

In High School I was a bit more of an asshole with my principal. He was a dick to everybody, I don't think his co workers even liked him. He actually approached me at the end of my Junior year and told me he noticed I already had enough credits to graduate, and only needed Senior Government to do so. He thought I would like the idea of taking a correspondence course and not having to go to school. I didn't mince words when I said "hell no. I plan on doing next to nothing next year except for passing government and partying". I remember during basketball season while he was attending games, I took his daughter out on several dates, but could never seal to deal.


The Happy Hunting Grounds Beyond
Supporting Member
Ashtabula, Ohio
I graduated in 1979. This would never happen today but back then I bought a 16 Ga. from my principle. He brought it to school, I went into his office, checked it out and gave him the cash. We put a blanket around it and he walked me out to the parking lot where I put it in my car. :smiley_bodyguard: Back 38 years ago it was no big deal, today we would both be doing time, lol


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Unknown to me my son would take his Mossberg 500 shotgun apart and put it in his jym bag. Went to school on the school bus, put it in his locker and went bird hunting after school. He was smart enough not to take it out and show it off. He graduated in 1985.
Get caught doing it today and the school would be locked down. His friend had his shotgun in a window gun rack in his truck in the school parking lot.


Senior Member
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My senior year my vo-ag teacher asked if I would stay over after school to help some younger kids do projects. "Hell no, it's November and I'm hitting the treestand". We then got into a conversation about bows and he wanted to see my Martin. So we walked out to the parking lot and got to my truck and he started checking out my bow and then noticed my Remington Targetmaster 22. He picks that up and shoulders it right there in the student parking lot, and then we had a conversation about feral cat population control, to which he partook in also, haha. This was 1996.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Yup, as long as it was displayed in plan view, it was ok to have. Had a gun in my window. People today would freak out or some sack of shit would take it in today's world. Just a short 20 years later...wtf

I did have one teacher I would've got behind as well...she was smoking hot.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
We used to always have guns in the truck in HS so we could grouse hunt (or whatever was in season) after school. Nobody thought anything of it.

Thanks for the kudos Ric. It's trying most days anymore. Kids are lacking discipline and it's mostly the fault of parents who don't know how to raise their kids.


*Supporting Member*
knox county ohio
I had a gun in the window of my truck nothing was ever said and that was 2005. Duno if they new I wasn't crazy or if they never really payed attention. Walked around most of the day with a dip in to and nothing was said about that either.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
I had a gun in the window of my truck nothing was ever said and that was 2005. Duno if they new I wasn't crazy or if they never really payed attention. Walked around most of the day with a dip in to and nothing was said about that either.
I use to dip and walk around with a mountain dew 20 ounce mixed with liquor on occasion 😂😂


Yup, as long as it was displayed in plan view, it was ok to have. Had a gun in my window. People today would freak out or some sack of shit would take it in today's world. Just a short 20 years later...wtf

I did have one teacher I would've got behind as well...HE was smoking hot.

Fixed it for yah.