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Stories about dealing with Amish!!!


Junior Member
This one is not about hunting. My parents live in Geauga county. One day the patty wagon pulls in the driveway. The oldest amish guy knocks on the front door and asks for my Dad. Knowing this was going to get good I go and get him. He asks my Dad about doing some timbering on the back of our property and gives my Dad a quote for the trees. My Dad asks him how he knows what kind of trees are back there. The amish guy replies we have already survied it. My Dad looses it and tells them any amish caught back there is a dead amish. They quickly left. My Dad goes back into the woods and the bastards had litterally spray painted a mark on every stinking hardwood tree over 12" in diameter. This was over 25 years ago and some of the spray paint marks are still there.


Junior Member
What does that say about scent control while hunting?

They all stink! None have any personal space concept. Fishing or hunting they flat out do not think the rules apply to them.

I do enjoy buying sandwich meat and cheese from them though.
Exactly how clean do you think that food can be???


Junior Member
priceless story right there! Lol!
I used to attend the Kenton Coon Dog Trials every year, which was loaded with amish. At our camp we always had a couple sets of Boxing gloves that made things more fun after drinking. So one night my 2 buddies are going at when 3 aish walk up to the camp and ask to box either one of my buddies. So, my 1 buddy, barely sober enough to stand says "hell yea, but for $20 bucks". The Amish guy pummeled him into submission about 10 seconds. Then he says he box any one of us for $100. My buddy Sam, who was a psychopath, took him up on it and began to pummel him immediately. Instead of giving up and paying, the guy starts trying to wrestle Sam and actually street fight him, not knowing Sams a State qualifying Wrestler just a few years before that in high school. The gloves came off and before we could get to Sam, it was a bloodbath. He broke the poor bastards Jaw, some teeth, and Im sure a few ribs. The guys 2 buddy had to carry him away. The craziest thing was 1 of the Amish came back the next day and paid Sam the $100 and apologized for his brother. The only other dealings Ive had with them was trying to stay upwind of them this summer when they were subcontracted out to put up a small metal bin for us here at the elevator. By the end of the week they were fuggin ripe!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort
One more encounter. When I had my VAS done, there was an Amish family there, and I mean the entire family. The eldest was getting a hernia repaired. All four generations were represented!


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Ever eat any Walnut Creek food? Thats all Amish and really good. Most stores around Ohio sell some sort of this brand. You can get it about half price by buying it from one or their general stores.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
We were in Coshocton on first day of gun season. I was being dropped off and my buddy Jeff was gonna take the 4-wheeler to the other end of the holler. We ran into 2 A-mish guys who had guns and one sleeping bag. Told them they were trespassing and they said no. We went on to explain the gate they just went through was the line and they needed to get back over there. (My buddy is quite the hot headed youngun) My friend say's get out or I'm gonna FUGG someone up. Then this A-mish guy say's "I think you are WRONG and pulled out a map" and my buddy say's "I think you are fuggin' stupid and I'll prove it" So he calls his Grandpa at like 5:30 in the morning and tells him where we are at and what is going on. Gramps verifies our location and Jeff says "Ok Grandpa, I'm telling them one more time and then I may need bail money cause I'm gonna whoop em both and then call the Sheriff" They turned around and started to leave my buddy says to them "And god only knows what you were going to do in that sleeping bag today!" By then I was rolling on the 4-wheeler and crying~~some of the funniest stuff I had ever seen while hunting. rotflmao


We were in Coshocton on first day of gun season. I was being dropped off and my buddy Jeff was gonna take the 4-wheeler to the other end of the holler. We ran into 2 A-mish guys who had guns and one sleeping bag. Told them they were trespassing and they said no. We went on to explain the gate they just went through was the line and they needed to get back over there. (My buddy is quite the hot headed youngun) My friend say's get out or I'm gonna FUGG someone up. Then this A-mish guy say's "I think you are WRONG and pulled out a map" and my buddy say's "I think you are fuggin' stupid and I'll prove it" So he calls his Grandpa at like 5:30 in the morning and tells him where we are at and what is going on. Gramps verifies our location and Jeff says "Ok Grandpa, I'm telling them one more time and then I may need bail money cause I'm gonna whoop em both and then call the Sheriff" They turned around and started to leave my buddy says to them "And god only knows what you were going to do in that sleeping bag today!" By then I was rolling on the 4-wheeler and crying~~some of the funniest stuff I had ever seen while hunting. rotflmao

Now that's funny stuff right their! Great story I would of lost it when he said God only knows what you were doing in that sleeping bag!


I'm not Amish, none of my family is Amish, have only even talked with a few Amish in my entire life, but you guys really surprise me with your bigoted attitudes. So many of you are passionate about individual rights, guns, speech, American liberties and then you downgrade those that don't adopt YOUR philosophy. What a contradiction that is.

I can guarantee you that they work for a living and aren't lining up to take assistance provided from my tax dollars, which I'm guessing some of you have.

I can also guarantee that the majority of all trespass violations in the great state of Ohio are NOT Amish related. In my area it is all of the good ole local country boys.

Sad but expected.

So now all of you jump in and tell me how wrong I am and explain how YOU justify your bigotry because you just know more than me.


Junior Member
Grew up just outside of Sugarcreek/Dundee area in northwest Tuscarawas County on my family farm, and we had Amish neighbors all around us. Like some have stated on here there are good ones and bad ones, just like any other group. I just remember hunting when I was younger and some of them would always venture on to our property and act like they had no clue where they were, this always pissed my dad and grandpa off to no ends. Overall they just kept to themselves for the most part.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
I'm not Amish, none of my family is Amish, have only even talked with a few Amish in my entire life, but you guys really surprise me with your bigoted attitudes. So many of you are passionate about individual rights, guns, speech, American liberties and then you downgrade those that don't adopt YOUR philosophy. What a contradiction that is.

I can guarantee you that they work for a living and aren't lining up to take assistance provided from my tax dollars, which I'm guessing some of you have.

I can also guarantee that the majority of all trespass violations in the great state of Ohio are NOT Amish related. In my area it is all of the good ole local country boys.

Sad but expected.

So now all of you jump in and tell me how wrong I am and explain how YOU justify your bigotry because you just know more than me.

As far as I'm concerned, we're not downgrading anyone. These stories are coming from people who live around the Amish, which you obviously don't. You said that you guarantee that they all work for a living and aren't lining up for assistance provided by your tax dollars. They damn well better not be getting any tax assistance because they don't pay fuggin taxes. I work hard to pay my land taxes every year, then I have Amish walk all over it like they own it, but they "didn't know where the lines were". Money also comes out of my check for the roads, which they drive their buggies on and don't pay for. Anyone I have ever talked to about Amish that deer hunt has never had anything good to say about them. You obviously have no clue how shady these people are when it comes to hunting.


*Supporting Member*
knox county ohio
we dont have to many problems with them, but a couple gun seasons ago i heard some shots coming from my dads neighbors that doesnt allow any hunting so i went to the property line too see 3 amish guys dragging a deer out, so i jump the fence and head over to them they ignored me walking away from me until i pumped the gun when they heard that sound they looked back then finally stoped. asked them if they had permission and they said yeah, said steve it too them then the one amish guy says steve doesn't own this property, i told them they better be getting back a crossed the street where they have permission and we havent seen them since so they new it wasnt a place they were allowed on but still went because the gate was shut and nobody was home.


*Supporting Member*
I see what Lundy is saying to an extent. Angelzd made some good points as well. However, I do agree with Bigslam I don't think anyone was downgrading them. Maybe I read something in a different tone than Lundy did?

I also pointed out in my response that there are good/bad just like anything else. I also mentioned that my Amish buddy was a very good neighbor, and big time buck hunter. He did NOT shoot small bucks, He hunted hard and smart. I respected him as a hunter, and he never left his farm, which was under 25 acres. I think I might have been in the lucky bunch as some of these other stories are horrible about trespassing.

I also believe one of the largest QDM co-ops in the state is up in Knox/Holmes county where there is a lot of Amish. They are not all brown its down, kill em and grill em, trespassing AHOLES.

I try to not stereotype any group of people, it is hard a times but I keep this same outlook towards Amish as well.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
As far as I'm concerned, we're not downgrading anyone. These stories are coming from people who live around the Amish, which you obviously don't. You said that you guarantee that they all work for a living and aren't lining up for assistance provided by your tax dollars. They damn well better not be getting any tax assistance because they don't pay fuggin taxes. I work hard to pay my land taxes every year, then I have Amish walk all over it like they own it, but they "didn't know where the lines were". Money also comes out of my check for the roads, which they drive their buggies on and don't pay for. Anyone I have ever talked to about Amish that deer hunt has never had anything good to say about them. You obviously have no clue how shady these people are when it comes to hunting.
Damn, Im not sure I can add too much to this other than most of them are conveniently Amish. Any more, they enjoy the technology about as much as the common man. I cant attest to their hunting practices, as they really don't reside around here. All I think I know is what I hear from a majority of people on here who's opinions I have come to value


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Ok, my turn...I see amish all the time, but here's 3 stories.

#1 - When I was a kid & go back to visit my grandparents in Pa, there was a few visit or two that I got to experience them having their eggs delivered by the amish. The buggy would stop & and a woman & young girl would come inside while grandma paid them. I thought that was the neatest thing. There was no smell to them either.

#2 - Before my wife & I got married, we use to camp down at the Ohio Power Grounds. One time we were out in the middle of a pond in my john boat & I looked up to see all these amish standing alongside the pond... all over. Dressed in their blue & black, it was quite eerie since I couldn't figure out where they came from.

#3 - I work in a hospital as some know & oversee everything in a nutshell. One time, this amish girl in her early 20s was brought to the E.R. & soon admitted to the ICU. She had been ill & they ignored having her treated, other than by some horse doctor at home I bet. This was not a good situation & she was near death. Our hospital is very stylish in appearance & is probably the cleanest in the state. Anyway, when she was there, every amish man, woman & child had to be there & they pretty much camped out in the critical care waiting lobby. I'm telling you, it didn't take long for that to smell like a pig barn ! All the furniture ended up being replaced. The girl, unfortunately died. The amish visitors pretty much arrived by van .... probably their neighbors brought them in. Once of these vans had this black cargo box on the back end of the bumper. One of my duties is to call the coroner to report the death when someone recently comes into the hospital & dies. I told him about the box I saw & we both were wondering if that's how they planned on taking her home. It was pretty funny at the time, but they actually had a funeral service come & take her later that day.


Junior Member
Most of the amish stories come from the amish that reside in Geauga County. This pocket of amish is looked down upon by other amish communities because they give amish in other pockets of the state a bad name. Does not matter what race your are because there will always be a small percentage that gives your race a bad name.
I'm not Amish, none of my family is Amish, have only even talked with a few Amish in my entire life, but you guys really surprise me with your bigoted attitudes. So many of you are passionate about individual rights, guns, speech, American liberties and then you downgrade those that don't adopt YOUR philosophy. What a contradiction that is.

I can guarantee you that they work for a living and aren't lining up to take assistance provided from my tax dollars, which I'm guessing some of you have.

I can also guarantee that the majority of all trespass violations in the great state of Ohio are NOT Amish related. In my area it is all of the good ole local country boys.

Sad but expected.

So now all of you jump in and tell me how wrong I am and explain how YOU justify your bigotry because you just know more than me.


*Supporting Member I*
North of Toledo
The biggest reason I sold my home in ohio last year was because of the Amish. When I bought the property, 18 acres of prime so. highland county. The place was just awesome. a couple years later the amish started buying property around me. It wasn't a big deal at first but after a few years the deer numbers went down so much that you were lucky to see a deer. I also had 150 acres down the road to hunt. So that realy helped. I did catch the amish on my property a few times and told them where the property line was. And that I was going to call the land owner(retired dnr) that allowed them on his property. I did call him and he said he would talk to them. A few years later the amish have bought up every piece of property around. I felt it was time to get out of the area. And did. I still have the lease down the road. witch is farther away from the amish. 40 acres of it that is closer to the amish went from being a whitetail mecca has dwindled to lucky to see a deer at all. There is an 80 acre piece of property between us and a city of amish. The guys that hunt the 80 have kicked the amish off there land many times but they keep coming back cause they know them guys are rarely there. The 2nd day of gun this year I had a doe and 2 fawns coming toward me across a field on our property. I was looking at them when all the sudden shots started ringing out. The asshole was on the other side of the field shooting right at me. Missed every shot he made. I yelled to him and he started running. No way I could catch him. The land owner said to call the dnr but I told him How do you describe an amish guy to the dnr, They all look the same. I realy have nothing against them but when it comes to hunting or trespassing there fugging assholes imo. Like others have said, they think they can get away with it. The turkey population has went to shit over there to. Amish=poachers