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Adams County Buck Story

The article made it sound like he took that shot on purpose. Not to mention being pretty specific on where in the heck this buck was living. Just another poorly written article glamorizing a shitty shot and promoting Ohio in the same breath. Have fun Adam Co. residents next year!!


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
It was the article I posted about where a guy killed a 190" deer when he "flunk a Hail Mary" shot at 70 yards and got lucky sticking the deer way back hitting a artery somewhere. I believe his story was in Ohio Outdoors News a couple years ago.
I guess it's one thing to seemingly promote an ass shot, another if it happens beyond your control. My dad has killed a couple of deer when his arrow hit a deer in the hip and I killed one doe. Were they on purpose? Heck no. His were back when the bows were much slower where one went to take off running on the shot and another I recall him saying was broadside and by the time the arrow had gotten there the deer had spun and did a 180. Both of which were under 25 yard shots, luckily both hit arteries and were dead deer. Mine was a big doe that I shot at a little over 15 yards. She was quartering away and I was aiming for opposite shoulder. The buck that was chasing her was young and just as I was releasing he made another lunge at her. She died relatively quickly and ended up at the bottom of a big ravine, what a chore that day was. Neither one of us would ever promote taking a shot at the hip of a deer or to just get an arrow into one. We practice as much as possible to avoid errant shots but we all know they happen. To basically state that was the shot to take I don't agree with.


Columbus, OH
Yea that's a crazy big buck. I was surprised to see how specific they was on the location. I'd bet now there will be even more trespassers in that area due to that story. Or someone will lease up all that ground for a ridiculous amount of $$$


Dignitary Member
Staff member
""Last year Lear and Chad bagged two B & C bucks and are featured in this November’s edition of North American Whitetail.""

Anyone want to take bets on how long before we hear what's really going on.


Senior Member
Oak Hill, OH
I was by no means saying he took an ass shot intentionally, but the way it reads leads you that way. I do feel more educated now that I know Adams County is the big buck capital of Ohio and maybe the U.S!


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
That was a terrible write up. In the past I've taken 2 Texas heart shots.
Both with a 44 mag. and both entered within 1" of the butt hole and exited the front chest area.
But never would do a bow shot there. Geez as it would have walked away in front of me if that was the only shot.